Starting your own business is something to consider with clarity and understanding about what it will actually mean for your life. Though it may seem …
Read More »3 Life Areas You Want To Consider Now: Health, Wealth, And Happiness
We can all fall into the trap of simply living for each day. After all, work and home duties call us regularly. Frankly, it’s often …
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I have found the one thing that I believe is the key to lasting peace and happiness: Living in the puzzle pieces of my life. You see, for a long time I would constantly think (live) in the past or in the "Big Picture" of my future. The result of that method often left me depressed about what I was missing or anxious about what could be. Don't get me wrong, I'm a believer in planning for the future and creating it through intention, thankfulness, and action, but that dwelling on the future "maybes and could bes" is where I had to learn a hard lesson by drawing a line in my own life. I realized I had been even thinking back to past situations and actually trying to solve the issues or reenact the event in my mind...that's insanity! The thing is...I'm not the only one who does or did this. It's an epidemic of insanity!
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