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Fitness and Exercise

4 Ways To Stay Fit and Healthy As You Age

atay fit and healthy as you age

Some women romanticize their youth, wishing they were back there. However, paying attention to the beauty created along the journey is a powerful way to …

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Building Core Strength And Sculpting Abs

building core strenth

Have you ever admired the abs of fitness models, wondering how they achieve them? Well, here’s the real deal: it’s not just about doing crunches …

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4 Mental Health And Fitness-Boosting Activities

mental health and fitness boosting activities

It’s not always easy to execute mental health and fitness-boosting activities when life is so busy. That said, you owe it to yourself to figure …

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8 Effective Weight Loss Tips For The New Year

weight loss tips for the new year

Losing weight can be a challenging and complex process, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, several strategies can help you achieve your weight loss …

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4 Stress-Busting Workouts For Women

stress-busting workouts for women

In today’s world, it’s easy for women to become overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of life. With the demands of work, family, and other …

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4 Daily Habits To Improve Health And Wellness

Believe it or not, what you choose to do and not to do each day consistently can have a huge impact on your health and …

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5 Ways To Minimize Aches And Pains From Exercising Regularly

One thing that so often holds people back when they increase their levels of exercise is the aches and pains that come with being more …

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5 Ways To Stay Toned In A Chair

Many of us struggle to find time to exercise in this day and age. So many of us have to work at home and then …

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4 Major Benefits Of Yoga For Your Teen

Yoga is not just a beneficial activity for adults. Teaching your teens yoga can positively affect them in many areas of their lives. Think about …

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4 Steps To Make Health A Priority And Reach Your Goals

When it comes to your health, have you made it a priority or shoved it to the back burner like a boring pan of soup? …

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3 Major Reasons Daily Exercise Is So Important

Taking part in daily exercise is one of the most important steps to take for optimal health and well-being. There are many reasons that make …

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5 Tips To Increase Your Motivation To Exercise

Most of us have heard that exercise is necessary for good health, but actually doing it is a whole different ballgame. After all, we have …

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3 Small Lifestyle Changes To Improve Health

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is much easier said than done for many women. We’re busy, distracted, and surrounded by influences that can impact our behavior, …

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4 Reasons You Might Struggle To Lose Weight

It is a sad fact that nearly half of all American adults are obese. However, it is the mission of many doctors and other practitioners …

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5 Tips For Post-Workout Self-Care

Though you might spend time planning and executing an effective fitness routine, have you considered post-workout self-care? Because true health and fitness require times of …

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