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5 Ways To Boost Confidence After Vision Or Hearing Loss

confidence after vision or hearing loss

Living with hearing or vision impairment can present unique challenges. But know, it doesn’t mean you must give up maintaining a sense of self-worth and …

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6 Difficult Decisions Women Commonly Face

difficult decisions

From career decisions to relationships and health-related choices, women face many challenging decisions every day that require great attention. Deciding between accepting an offer in …

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3 Powerful Ways To Cultivate Self-Confidence

cultivate self-confidence

You are the one who is responsible for your life, and the way you feel about yourself. Unfortunately, this can be challenging, especially if you …

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3 Tips To Make More Time For Hobbies

make more time for hobbies

Making more time for hobbies is important to bring balance to our lives. They give us an opportunity to create and be inspired by doing …

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4 Positive Reasons To Be Heard In Your Local Community

be heard in your local community

Have you seen ads from your local government, asking what citizens think about changes or projects in the community? Well, they often use “citizen issue …

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3 Major Self-Confidence Boosters You Can Do Today

Whether you’re giving a presentation at work, going on a date, or trying to make new friends, having self-confidence can help you put yourself out …

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4 Ways Women Can Help Other Women

To my joy, the discussion about how women can help other women has become more prevalent over the past several years. Of course, it has …

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10 Tips For Starting A Podcast

starting a podcast

If you’re a woman with something to say, starting your podcast is a great way to be heard and use your unique voice. Not only …

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3 Major Ways To Boost Confidence At Any Age

It’s no secret that many women lack love for themselves, and would love to boost confidence at any age, whether they are fifteen or fifty. …

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5 Strategies To Build Greater Self-Confidence

The road to building self-confidence does not offer a simple, straight trip. Instead, it is a winding lifelong path that brings us to experience many …

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4 Keys To Cultivating Greater Health

It’s no secret that there are many ways to live in this world. And this fact is not better exemplified than in how many different …

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6 Tips For Recovering From A Toxic Relationship

We have all read about them, seen them on TV, and some of us have experienced them. Toxic relationships can be destructive, addictive, and notorious …

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4 Self-Care Tips For Busy Moms

It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, as a busy mom, it’s always important to take care of yourself. And, yes, I get …

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5 Reasons Not Every Woman Wants To Be A Mom

A question that most women will hear multiple times in their lives is “When are you going to have children?”. For many women, this question …

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4 Ways To Move On From A Painful Past

It’s not uncommon to have trauma and pain from the past lurking around and causing problems in the present. Unfortunately, unresolved emotional baggage, fear, and …

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