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Inner Journey

4 Ways To Be Happier As You Age

be happier as you age

Life can be so challenging that you might find yourself in a slump. The good news is there are doable changes that can positively impact …

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5 Ways To Boost Confidence After Vision Or Hearing Loss

confidence after vision or hearing loss

Living with hearing or vision impairment can present unique challenges. But know, it doesn’t mean you must give up maintaining a sense of self-worth and …

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6 Difficult Decisions Women Commonly Face

difficult decisions

From career decisions to relationships and health-related choices, women face many challenging decisions every day that require great attention. Deciding between accepting an offer in …

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3 Powerful Ways To Cultivate Self-Confidence

cultivate self-confidence

You are the one who is responsible for your life, and the way you feel about yourself. Unfortunately, this can be challenging, especially if you …

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4 Ways To Be More Creative In Business

be more creative in business

You have always had a creative mind that needs put to use on a regular basis. The problem comes when you don’t have time to …

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5 Effective Ways To Find Your Creative Groove

find your creative groove

We all have moments when we feel overwhelmed, stressed, and out of balance. These moments can be difficult for those who rely heavily on creativity …

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Pros And Cons Of Changing Careers Over 40

changing careers over 40

As a woman, reaching your 40s can be both a liberating and confusing time. You can feel more confident in your skin but, oddly, wish …

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3 Tips To Make More Time For Hobbies

make more time for hobbies

Making more time for hobbies is important to bring balance to our lives. They give us an opportunity to create and be inspired by doing …

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5 Effective Ways To Make A Difference In The World

make a difference in the world

There are so many ways to make a difference in the world that we can’t possibly list them all here. However, I’d like to share …

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4 Mental Well-Being Strategies To Feel Better Fast

mental well-being strategies

Your mental well-being is affected by many things including environment, diet, relationships, career, and physical health. Even things that you think aren’t bothering could be …

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4 Positive Reasons To Be Heard In Your Local Community

be heard in your local community

Have you seen ads from your local government, asking what citizens think about changes or projects in the community? Well, they often use “citizen issue …

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3 Major Self-Confidence Boosters You Can Do Today

Whether you’re giving a presentation at work, going on a date, or trying to make new friends, having self-confidence can help you put yourself out …

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4 Ways Women Can Help Other Women

To my joy, the discussion about how women can help other women has become more prevalent over the past several years. Of course, it has …

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10 Tips For Starting A Podcast

starting a podcast

If you’re a woman with something to say, starting your podcast is a great way to be heard and use your unique voice. Not only …

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3 Simple Ways To Feel Balanced And Secure

feel balanced and secure

Feeling lost and confused can happen to anyone at any time. You don’t even need a major event to throw you off of your game. …

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