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Create A Stellar Career Plan

5 Tips To Create A Stellar Career Plan

Women can spend half of their lives working, so enjoying their time away from home needs to be a top priority! This is why creating a plan for your career that excites you. But how do you make it all work? In this blog post, we’ll run through some key steps to create a stellar career plan and bring your dream career path to life.

Do a Self-Assessment

To start with, one of the best things you can do is assess your skills. Looking at what you’re good at and where your natural strengths lie, might point you in the direction of the right type of career or industry for you. Maybe you’re more analytical or perhaps your strong points lie within communication. There are various personality assessments and career specific tests like Myers and Briggs that clearly point out what jobs might be a good fit for you. Understanding YOU will help you find a career path you’ll enjoy and succeed at.

Focus on What Lights You Up

You may not want to focus purely on what your natural aptitude tells you. Half of the equation to create a stellar career plan reflects your experience and other personal facets of your life that a test can’t show you. Think about your past experiences, passions, and what has lit you up. You can then start to narrow down your options as you find fields that interest you and match well with your skills and strengths. This step is probably the most imortant if you want a career that will serve you for life.

Look into Training Options

Create A Stellar Career PlanA large piece of the career development puzzle is understanding your training options. Many careers will have specific requirements with formal training, certifications, or qualifications. However, careers that have mimimal training and education requirements might fit your life more. It’s important for you to be honest with yourself about how various careers and preparing for them could fit into your life. Things like children or having a disability could affect how much time you have to invest in a career and its preparation.  

For example, you might want to be in the medical field without years of schooling. In this case attending a medical assistant school could be the best way to make this dream happen. Or maybe you want to do something in the education field. There are various levels of training for teachers, coaches, and assistants. 

Get Experience

Alongside training, you may need to have specific experience. It might be that you need an internship after your studies as an entryway into your chosen career. This is the case in fields such as law or journalism. Or maybe you like the idea of doing work experience alongside your studies to help you get a better understanding of the field. Either way, this helps you understand the in-depth parameters of a career.

Create Your Road Map

The last important step is actually mapping out the career path you intend to take. This can be a super fun part of the entire experience as you’ll be able to research where you can go with your career choice. At this stage, you’ll work out where you’d like to be in the future and what different positions or learning points you need to work through to get there. Then, all that’s left for you to do is get started on the path!

About Caroline Stewart

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