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Dressing For Success

5 Wardrobe Staples For Every Woman

wardrobe staples for every woman

Our goal with this short article is to focus on wardrobe staples for every woman. Many women don’t have a clue how to curate their …

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5 Ways To Make A Fantastic First Impression

make a fantastic first impression

Do you have an upcoming important event or meeting that you want to be your best for? If you must make a fantastic first impression, …

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3 Simple Ways To Improve Your Professional Appearance

Your appearance in the workplace and for business matters for several reasons. The first thing is that others do get an impression of you from …

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4 Ways To Help Your Man Dress Better

Do you cringe every time your man is left to himself to dress for work or a night out? Well, sister, you are not alone. …

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5 Simple Actions To Create A Better Wardrobe

Fashion is a fun way to express your unique personality and style.  Some even consider it an art form. Fashion designers like Alexander McQueen (one …

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4 Easy Tips To Look Your Best At Work

If you’re serious about your career, it’s time to get serious about how you look. Personal appearance plays a major role in how people see …

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4 Ways To Rock A Successful Business Wardrobe

What you wear on the job matters... a lot, and trying to convince yourself it doesn’t is a mistake. If you want to make a good impression on your superiors, clients, and colleagues, you owe it to yourself to get your business wardrobe right. The truth is, what you wear gives clues about who you are, your personality, your ambition, and even your ability to perform. Let's take a look at 4 ways to rock a successful business wardrobe.

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6 Fashionable Ways To Dress Smart

How you dress suggests a lot about you, including personality, intelligence, and social abilities. When it comes to looking intelligent, there are a variety of fashionable ways to dress smart. Whether you’re going for a sophisticated business look, or want to look brainy in casual wear, here are some tips to get you started.

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7 Ways To Accessorize Like A Pro

***This post was contributed and may contain affiliate links. You know those women who always look beautifully put together, as though they have their own …

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5 Savvy Ways To Dress To Impress At Work

Whether we want to judge others or be judged by appearance, it happens. One of the places it happens the most is the workplace. Yes, your boss or prospective clients are checking out how you look and sizing you up based on what they see. You've got their full attention, why not take this opportunity to dress to impress? Your choices could play a huge role in whether you get a raise, a promotion, or any other brownie points at work. Here are 5 savvy tips to bring your look up to fabulous and get you noticed in a good way on the job!

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Which Clothes and Accessories Are A Worthwhile Investment?

When it comes to buying clothes and accessories, everybody prioritizes individual items differently. If you wear dresses every single day, they’re a far more worthwhile …

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4 Kick Ass Tips To Get Ahead As A Modern Businesswoman

As a branding expert, I see all sorts of women in business. I see their good qualities, and I also see their hesitations and what …

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Which Colors Look Best On You?

What is at the center of looking great? Is it dressing for your body shape and size? Is it finding your style and sticking with what works? Yes, it can be all of those things, but there is something else: wearing the right colors. If you get your colors mixed up, you can go from being bright and beautiful to looking washed out and tired. The wrong shade can make you look older, miserable or even sickly. There is this shade of taupe that makes me look dead...I call it the casket color. And, yes, I avoid it like the plague. Choosing the best colors to suit your skin tone, hair color, eyes and more is essential if you want to look your best. If you're not sure which ones are best for you, these tips will help!

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Why Wait To Look Great?

Ladies, let’s talk about image. Yea, that’s right, the clothes you are wearing right this minute. Do they really speak to who you are? One of my favorite silly eCards read something like this... “Just curious... what part of that outfit made you look in the mirror and say, 'YES. This is how I choose to represent myself today.’?” I feel like saying this every time I walk into a mall. I don’t, of course, in fear of being beat over the head with a bedazzled fanny pack.

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The Best Energy Jewelry

I received this in my inbox from my friend Deborah Stuart, metaphysics expert and owner of HighChi Jewelry. If you ever wished that your jewelry had more purpose than just looking stylish, here's what you've been looking for. I love how beautiful her pieces are! And how powerful!

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