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3 Areas Of Your Business You Should Never Merge With Your Personal Life

As a business owner, it can sometimes be quite difficult to keep your personal life and business separated. This can be especially true if you run a tight-knit business from home, rather than from an office. The water can get muddy if you don't pay attention. Here are 3 areas of your business you should never merge with your personal life.

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4 Strategies To Help You Get Hired Sooner

Searching for a new job is hard work. So much so, that even getting an interview can seem like a full-time job in itself. And, usually, the higher the position and pay, the longer it takes to secure the right one. Even though you consistently send out resumes, it doesn't mean that you will land your dream job in a timely manner. I happen to believe there are some key things you must do if you want to get what you want. Here are my top 4 strategies to help you get hired sooner.

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How To Effectively Deal With Difficult Clients

In most cases, difficult clients do not show their true colors up front, leaving you unaware of the issues you are about to endure. I'm talking about the situations that leave you wishing you never entered into a business agreement with this person. Just because you know it's business and not personal doesn't always make it any easier to sort out effectively. I've been in these situations and I've coached others about them. Here are some steps you can take to effectively deal with difficult clients.

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6 Reasons Women Excel In Sales

Sales jobs are in every sector of business on the planet. This means there are endless opportunities for both men and woman. However, many women don't want to be seen as the “stereotypical” salesmen we all know and abhor! You know the ones I’m talking about, they intimidate, push, and manipulate their potential customers into buying. Being psychological in nature, sales has an open door for both good and bad methods to enter the market. The good news is that more ladies are becoming successful salespeople. Many businesses may rely on this market shift in the future. The primary reason is that consumers are demanding higher quality experiences. Here are 6 reasons women excel in sales.

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4 Tips To Bust You Out Of A Career Rut

It’s pretty easy to figure out whether or not you’re in a career rut. A telltale sign is that queasy feeling you get on a Monday morning - the dread of having to go to a job you hate. You must deal with the same boring people, forcing yourself to go through the motions of your tedious day. And, though, I understand that you can't always just up and quit a job, there are some things that will bust you out of a career rut! Keep in mind, it's going to take some guts, energy, and consistency! Let's get you out of that rut!

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9 Careers To Keep The Creative Happy!

Are you a creative badass who loves to innovate, express herself, and make money doing what you love? If you are not currently stimulating any of these inner longings, you might take a look at a creative career. However, many creative women are also multi-talented and find choosing just one thing difficult. Here is a list of 9 careers to keep the creative happy!

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4 Tips To Climb the Ladder of Success Faster

In this competitive day and age, you should be thankful to have gainful employment at all. That said, it's normal to have aspirations of better positions, pay, and skills. Unfortunately, though, opportunities to advance rarely just fall out of the sky. It takes some attention to detail and savvy skill on your part to get ahead in your career or business. If you are looking to progress in your professional life, these 4 things may help you climb the ladder of success faster.

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3 Kick Ass Rebranding Strategies That Work

If you are running a business of any size, your branding needs to be spot on and effective. So, what is branding? As businesswomen, we know what we do, what we are good at, how we operate and what our place is, right? It's easy for us to talk about all of these things and we should. However, this is not branding. It is simply marketing and bragging about yourself. And, if this hasn't been working for you, this may be the time to put these 3 kick ass rebranding strategies to work for your business!

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4 Ladder Of Success Boosts You Can Activate Now

If you want to have the life of your dreams, the career of your dreams, you have to go create it! You will have many detours and bumps along the way, but don't let that stop you from giving it your best shot. That invisible ladder is always there, waiting for you to step up. As soon as you realize that it is in your power to progress up that ladder, the faster you’ll see your dreams happen. I've compiled a short list of 4 ladder of success boosts you can activate now!

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4 Effective Ways To Operate Your Business On A Tight Budget.

You have a fantastic idea, and it's begging to be turned into a successful business. Perhaps it's a blog or an online store that has you itching to become a business owner. Your daydream always ends with a nice pile of fast cash landing in the bank. Nice thought, but I encourage you to walk on the side of reason for just a bit. The reality is that seventy percent of new businesses fail in the first two years. Furthermore, even if they make it past the 2-year mark, only a small percentage ever see those dreamy piles of cash in the above photo.

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4 Ways To Bankroll Your Business Venture!

So you want to grow your business but are lacking the funds? I hear you. This is one of the most common challenges that new entrepreneurs have. In order to expand your business, you must secure funding and be creative with that money. I've started several businesses with virtually no money and completely understand the ultimate struggles that accompany such a path. So, let's explore some ideas to bankroll your business venture!

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3 Common Causes Of Business Failure And How To Avoid Them

Failure is not something that many business owners like to think about, let alone discuss. That said, it’s something that all business owners should take seriously. Simple awareness and mental preparation for such an event clarify the importance and value of keeping your business above water. Avoidance only pushes planning and preparation away. These "just in case" plans might just be the very things that save a struggling business. Studies have shown that 50 percent of all new businesses fail within the first year - that’s a high statistic, isn’t it? With that in mind, as a business owner, it’s important to be aware of the most common causes of business failure and how to avoid them

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4 Savvy Business Tips To Hire The Most Talented People

Small businesses only become big businesses when they have the best employees. Okay, so there is more to it than that, but good employees make a massive difference. Think about it for a second. They are the people who do most of the work, so the company plows forward without a hitch. You might be the boss, but you need quality performers if you want to succeed. For that reason, you only want the best. However, there is a lot of competition, plus finding the right ‘fit’ isn’t always easy. Here are 4 savvy business tips for getting the most talented people on your team!

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3 Major Ways Your Health Can Hurt Your Career

Building a highly reputable and successful career is hard work. It demands years of study, dedication, and consistent effort. However, even with all of this preparation and focused effort, you could lose everything, or close to it, with just one serious health issue. I know this because it happened to me. I lost a well-paying job in a field I loved because I was sick.

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6 Must Haves For The Aspiring Entreprenuer

Entrepreneurship can be one of the most exciting and rewarding career moves a woman can make. However, it can also be one of the most challenging things to pull off successfully. There are some savvy things you must get under your belt if you want to make a name for yourself in business. Having the right tools, resources, and contacts is a must.

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