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3 Valuable Skills To Further Your Career

So, career development has exactly been smooth sailing as of late for much of the population. That said, this transitional time has offered some ample time to work on some valuable skills to further your career. Covid and the onslaught of collateral damage has shaken up the business landscape for sure, but don’t let that stop you from looking toward the future. I believe the following skills will help you find security and forward momentum as you navigate these unpredictable times in which we live.


The first thing that comes to mind concerning moving forward in a career is having quality communication skills. It doesn’t matter what profession you are in, communicating effectively and efficiently is a major key to getting noticed and finding your place in a company or organization. For example, if you are a teacher, knowing how to talk to your students, especially when things aren’t going well is a skill that goes unmatched. Even if you have wonderful resources like saddleback books, people of all ages need to be heard and talked to with respect. 

If you work in a big business, communication is essential to make all the moving parts run optimally. This is true no matter what position you hold. Consider taking some courses or working with a coach to help you increase your communication skills. This goes for oral, written, and even body language. We can often say a lot without speaking a word. 

Time Management

Another skill that will help further your career is time management. It may be the case that you need to rework your schedule to fit everything in your life right now. This is common, especially among women and working moms. Time management is key to not only having a successful career but feeling happy and fulfilled in your life. There are some wonderful programs out there to help your find more time in your professional life as well as personal. You can also try some old-fashioned methods like keeping a calendar in a book or on a white board. Make your time management a fun practice that includes rewards for a job well-done. 

Working As A Team

It is likely that, at some point in your career, you’re going to be part of a team. Know that doing this well is not necessarily a natural talent. Usually, we cultivate this skill over time with practice. Depending on what experience you’ve had in your life, this task might be challenging. I do know that it is a pillar to moving up in a company or business setting. Though there is nothing like on the job training for being a team player, there are companies that teach how to do it better. If you’re lucky, your company will bring in team-building specialists to do some training. If not, take a look online to see what resources are available.

Growing your career is a process that will take some time and attention on your part. It will also require some patience and putting in the time at each company you work for. I do believe that working on these 3 skills and more will have a positive impact on your future both professionally and personally.


About Madeline

Madeline is a mid-west mom of three who spends most of her time refilling ice trays and changing toilet paper...just kidding. She is a high school guidance counselor, all around funny gal, and a writer. Her first book, Be Happy Already!", is in the works.

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