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3 Volunteer Opportunities Working With Young People

Many women find themselves in a privileged position that pays well and makes them happy. However, there might still be a sense that there is more good to do in the world. Charity work or volunteering could be a way to fulfill the longing to, somehow, “change the world”. It’s important to support other people around us, especially those who are less fortunate or in crisis. Here are several volunteer opportunities working with young people.

Volunteer Opportunities Working With Young People #1: Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity focuses on securing safe, decent, and affordable housing for all. This program is widely respected and offered in almost every city across the US and many areas globally.  They offer many different volunteer programs, but, if you enjoy working with youth, there are opportunities to do so. Depending on your gifts and skills, you could be hands-on or in an administrative role. Consider putting together a team of youth from your community to volunteer together. You can apply to become a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity on their website. 

Volunteer Opportunities Working With Young People #2: The Circle

While a lot has been achieved since the publication of Simone de Beauvoir’s landmark feminist work “The Second Sex,” there are still various sectors of society in which women are still unfairly considered second best. So female empowerment is still an absolutely necessary focus. Charities such as The Circle embrace this notion, stating that around the world, women hold the key to making change happen for themselves.

Their goal is to inspire and connect women. Ultimately, they create environments where women come together, share experiences, harness skills, and draw on resources that evoke change. Their key values include empowerment, passion, innovation, respect, and equality. If this sounds like something you could get behind, check it out more. Any woman can become a member, and there are plenty of behind-the-scenes volunteering opportunities waiting to be snapped up.

Volunteer Opportunities Working With Young People #4: Boys and Girls Clubs of America

Most people are familiar with the Boys and Girls Clubs across the US. There is a huge opportunity to teach our youth and even learn a few things about yourself in the process. Again, this is a place that will use the skills and talents you already possess. It’s a come as you are program that is deeply rooted in our communities. Understand that many of the children in the program are desperate for adult attention and guidance. Your experience is not only valued but needed at the BGCA. Check out their site for more information about volunteering.

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated by these organizations, so start looking into the opportunities available to you today!

About Madeline

Madeline is a mid-west mom of three who spends most of her time refilling ice trays and changing toilet paper...just kidding. She is a high school guidance counselor, all around funny gal, and a writer. Her first book, Be Happy Already!", is in the works.

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