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Our Stories

Feature photo by WhiteBookdrtricia 

Many of the thought leaders today talk about the story(s) we tell ourselves to get along, to survive, to feel better.  As a writer, this resonates because I have always told stories and written scripts.  I would like to invite you today to consider looking at the idea of what stories you tell yourself and why/what role these stories occupy in your life.  Do they complement or contaminate your life – given the path you are on spiritually, is it possible that these stories are no longer necessary?

I know that recently I have heard a number of wonderful women express deep concern over their ages and the idea of being able to be financially successful in doing spiritual work, why did they not begin before now, how much can really be accomplished at a more ‘seasoned’ age.

When I hear this, I am reminded of Louise Hay’s story and all the amazing work she has put forth in the past 20 years and I am grateful that she began her true work at age 60.  I have a few years before I reach that goal and I have been on this path since I was 25 officially – yet I never really worried about could I be financially successful in this field – I spent my 20’s and 30’s really absorbing information and fighting with God over my gifts – I was adamant that I did not wish to be a healer, had no interest nor intention to ever do so.

I had other ideas or stories in mind for myself as a spiritual being and for so many years, it was my way or the highway in all avenues – I had quite a bit of trouble surrendering to God my great desire to be in control of all aspects of my life.  I would bet that many of you are the same way or that we have some similar tuggings on our minds.

There is a fabulous quote that I use frequently that is in Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life
 “I am willing to release the need to….” You fill in the blank.  This, to me, is one of the most powerful concepts that she has ever written.  If you truly look at each word in this, you can have the ability to release all your limitations, fears, and destructive habits.  When you think about it, when all those elements are released, what are you left with?  What remains is you and all that you are within your spirit – which is ultimately a very very good thing.

I have actually broken this concept down and created a 6 week program using each of these words and how they build upon each other to help us transform from our stories into our true selves.  Without giving away state secrets, I invite you to look at these words yourself and to investigate how this could change aspects of your life, if not your entire life.  Truly in this one sentence, you are looking at the self, the I Am Presence, the attitude of willingness, the idea of release and the aspect of need within your life.  It is one powerful little sentence.

We began this note today with the idea of stories we have and tell ourselves and others.  Take a few moments to look at this and see perhaps where in your life the stories may have taken hold and where you find them. Play a game with yourself, using the Louise Hay’s affirmation and see if you, too, can find some aspects, conditions, beliefs, values, etc. that you may wish to release.  I believe if you do this, you will find within unknown treasures, waiting for discovery.

***Because we are Amazon Associates, should you decide to purchase Louise Hay’s book from our link, we will receive a small commission.  Thank you for supporting us!


mebw2Beloved Community,

I am honored to have you here! I am  Kellie R. Stone,Women’s LifeLink founder and passionate messenger to women. It takes many voices and experiences to put together the quality content we bring to you here on the site, and that’s why we want to learn more about you and the unique experiences you’ve lived that make you the special woman you are today.  

As a part of our mission, we welcome women from all over the world to join our team by sharing a piece of their lives with us and our global community. Sacred Story September will be the theme for the whole month and will feature stories and interviews from our contributors and experts as well as from readers like you. So it is the perfect time to submit your serious or humorous personal story of growth, change, triumph, tragedy dealing with any area of your life.  Submitting is easy when you go to the Submit your Story/Article Page and fill out the information in the form.  Women of the world need to hear your unique story that contains a message only you can share.  I’ve never met a woman who didn’t have something to say…you are no exception!  Change someone’s life today…submit your story!

Love and Many Blessings,


About Dr. Tricia Working

Atlanta native, speaker, and writer, Dr. Tricia Working brings a cadre of experience and expertise to her work both spiritually & within mainstream America. She has over ten years of experience with the Georgia legislature, seven years experience in shelter management, and fifteen years education. She founded Paws for Thought Animal Foundation in 1993 & currently serves as President of the Southern Regional Business Council & Director of Public Relations for the Hope of Humanity Foundation.

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