Scams are nothing new and online scams have been around since the internet went mainstream. They are, however, continually developing and becoming more sophisticated. With …
Read More »6 Keys To Having A Successful Business Launch Event
Launching a business is an exciting but exhausting part of starting a company. You have big dreams and hopes that success is in the cards. …
Read More »Wired!
This is how each of us live. Connected. We are wired to people and things throughout our lives. Some of the people we are connected to are good company to keep, best friends, family... You know, the people that you can count on. Some of those to whom we are wired can add extra stress to an already stressful life. They do not make us happy or point us in the direction of following our dreams. We are also connected to things like jobs, contacts (acquaintances), favorite sports and hobbies, cars, houses, televisions... the things we feel benefit us in our everyday walk through this time we have on earth.
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