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accommodate elderly customers or clients

3 Ways To Accommodate Elderly Customers Or Clients

Serving elderly customers is a little different from serving most people. This is not because the elderly need to be treated with kid gloves, but because they may have different needs depending on their health, mobility, or support system. Remember, nobody wants to be treated like they’re incapable just because they’re older. However, it’s up to you or your staff to know who needs or wants extra support and attention.  Some customers/clients genuinely need assistance or consideration. The best approach is to ask all customers what they need while in your business. Teach your employees that providing that support is a priority and goes a long way to accommodate elderly customers or clients.

Most businesses focus solely on accessibility, which might mean adding ramps, installing handrails, or offering large-print menus. While these physical adaptations really can matter, the human element of serving elderly clients is just as necessary. Applying some small and thoughtful touches in how we interact can make the biggest difference in whether someone feels respected or dismissed. The following are several things you can do to accommodate elderly customers or clients.

Create Comfortable Spaces

The environment you create in your business space sets the tone for every interaction you have. Your space could help an elderly person feel welcome or it might do the opposite. For instance, good lighting helps prevent confusion and anxiety. Furthermore, clearly marked signage makes navigation for everyone easier. Comfortable seating areas with solid aids to getting up and down help physical comfort. Even little ambiance effects like keeping background music at a reasonable level shows you understand that holding a conversation shouldn’t require extra effort, or require perfect hearing

Thoughtful Service Adjustments

accommodate elderly customers or clitsneSmall service adjustments can help accomodate elderly customers or clients. That could mean offering payment processing for salons and other services that can be handled while seated. Scheduling longer appointment slots allows for patient interactions and accommodates anyone who needs more attention. Also, ensure your staff knows how to speak clearly without raising their voices unnecessarily or demeaning anyone. These approaches all help maintain dignity while providing support. Train your staff well!

Training For Understanding

Your team needs to understand that the elderly are important customers and deserve their best service. Help them understand that they are as unique as younger patrons. Two people at eighty years old can be as diverse in character as anyone else. Some clients might need everything explained carefully, while others are sharper than staff half their age.

Good training helps staff read these situations accurately and adjust their approach with candor. Teaching employees to listen with clarity, avoid assumptions, and offer real help can help the elderly individual feel respected. It also shows you care about their needs without necessarily directly referencing age. But it also means you’re not acting completely out of touch with the reality of the situation. With thiese tips, we hope you can more easily provide dignity and care to your elderly customers no matter what kind of business or service you run.


About Caroline Stewart

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