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4 Effective Decluttering Strategies

Decluttering is much more than simply tidying up a space. It can significantly impact your mood and improve your mental health. This is primarily possible because what we see around us profoundly affects our perception of everything. For example, when your living room is tidy, relaxing alone or with others is more pleasant and fulfilling. Move this fresh, open energy into every room in your home to feel more at ease with any circumstances. In reality, though, it’s not always easy to accomplish. I highly recommend you use your time wisely and implement effective decluttering strategies.

Make a Plan

The first action to take before starting phisical labor is to make a doable plan that you feel confident about. This might include recording what spaces need your attention the most and the extent of your intended project. Add each space in order of importance in your initial assessment.  Areas like packed basements and attics might be low priority, but don’t ignore them. Clearing them could present you with needed space and peace of mind. You can detail your goals in your plan,

Think outside the box and include your family in the project. I’ve used games and contests to motivate myself and kids to stay on track with the goals. Make sure everyone understands what you expect of them during and after the decuttering strategies are performed.


decluttering strategiesIf your goal is to declutter the whole house, start with the room you have deemed a priority in your plan. This allows you to dedicate the appropriate time and attention to the most pressing jobs. Additionally, you don’t want to exhaust yourself or your team rushing back and forth between rooms and floors. What room has accumulated the most junk, or looks the most untidy when you first walk into it? This will vary from household to household, but for most people, it’s usually the kitchen and areas near the door that need the most urgent care from you! 

Install a Storage Shed

One of the most effective decluttering strategies I’ve ever used is adding outside storage that doesn’t take up living space. If you have a large family or you are an avid collector, many types of secure storage sheds could be appropriate for your yard and make a significant difference for keeping things neat and clean. Having outside storage allows you to get some of the clutter out of the way immediately, i.e., unused furniture, or boxes you’ve already sorted through. This also helps to maintain your goal long-term. Research what’s available and choose what fits your space and provides ample room to store. Once it’s been installed, your decluttering efforts can move more efficiently. 

Find a Home for Everything

If you tend to chuck things in drawers just to keep them out of sight, this one is for you. The peace of mind you that escapes will come when every item has a rightful home. Keep in mind, keeping items in their proper place when not in use takes practice and discipline. General junk drawers always end up a mess and leaving clueless about where your stuff actually is. If you are a more structured woman, labeling is taking your decluttering strategies to a new level. 

Decuttering your home, garage, or office is definately worth your time and effort. It can be like a treasure hunt that reveals lost items and helps you revisit precious keepsakes. Not to mention it brings a greater peace and look to your space. If it seems like too much work, start slowly and give yourself grace to finish the job as you can.


About Caroline Stewart

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