So, every week, I bare it all (well, maybe not all!) and let you in on my personal and professional aha of the week. That one thing that seems to be really up, not only for me, but also for my world and all the wonderful people in it.

This one’s a shorty but a goodie. And it’s all about what each one of us needs to maintain sanity (particular at the crazy end of summer time that always feels so darn hectic).
It’s kind of hilarious that I’m writing this with only a few minutes to spare…talk about not cultivating sanity. But here’s the thing, each one of us has different “things” that make us tick and that ensure mental togetherness in each moment and day.
I got to thinking about this this week as I was tapping into inspiration about my very first fully online product (what!). Yep, seriously, its happening and its all about horses and wisdom and play of course. But, back to my story.
I started thinking about my mare Diva and what she really needs to be sane. There was actually a time before we moved to the Cowichan eight years ago when she was in such a crazy space I couldn’t connect with her. No one could. She was missing some very important things – which is why we moved to the country! Her core needs? Space is number one. Community a close second (and not across a fence either). Food of course. Bum scratches comes in fourth (can’t leave those out!).

For me – well, dancing my butt off at regular intervals is way up there along with movement in general. Ask any of my close friends and they’ll tell you I am constantly moving something and if I can’t I’m doodling. Animal snuggles and connection with my furry ones are very high on that list. Food is tres important (yes, I have been known to get very hangry!). Nature time is crucial hence living in the country surrounded by beautiful places to recharge. Regular BodyTalk, body work and energy work is a necessary. And most important, meaningful connection and community.
I would love you to take a moment of reflection on this whole concept. What keeps you sane? What are those can’t live without them things that make your life worth living and get your mind back into a place of balance? And if you’re not getting those things on a daily or weekly basis how can we start making that happen? What is one action step that can bring one of them into your life in a bigger way? Here’s my action step – create a wicked playlist so I can dance like no one’s watching on a daily basis.
Alright, that’s all for today. I’ll keep you posted how that playlist is coming along…maybe send you a few tunes so you can dance like mad too!
To your utter fabulousness,
I saw the word “dancing” and you hooked me girl! I get cranky pants if I don’t regularly get my freak on… I get into a zone that the entire world falls behind.
I’m always amazed that my animals are so willing to be both teachers and mirrors for changes I need to make in my life. I can related to Diva’s need to find the right balance between “community” and “space.”
This is so timely for me right now, as my sanity is definitely being tested. Thanks for sharing your tips and beautiful lessons from Diva.