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3 Tips To Help Moms Contribute To The Family Income

If you’re a mom and choose to take time away from the workplace and focus predominantly on raising a family, it can be challenging to return to your career later on. Many women find it more difficult to land quality jobs after they have purposefully created a gap in their work history. This can put a strain on the family budget, especially with the addition of a child or children. Of course, working moms know that having a family gains us far more experience and skill than any job. That said, company hiring managers and owners may not see it the same way and offer you the opportunity to contribute to the family income..

Thankfully, there are things you can do to help show these companies that you’re valid and can do the job for which you’re applying. If that isn’t for you, consider taking things into your own hands with a small business. Here are a few tips to help moms contribute to the family income.

Go Back to School or Take an Online Course

As a busy mother, you need a way to prepare to go back to work that won’t tax your life more. Online courses can freshen your skills and knowledge. This proactive action shows initiative and the willingness to go above and beyond. And, not only does study look good on your resume, but it can give you additional qualifications and certifications with which to reenter the job market.

Taking on a full-blown degree program might not be for everyone, but consider it if you have dreams to do so. Even if it takes you much longer to get that degree, diploma or certificate compared to what it would if you didn’t have children, you’ll get there eventually if you chip away at it and remain dedicated. 

Give Your Resume a Boost

Don’t sell yourself short on your resume. When you do apply for jobs, perhaps when your children start school, present your best self on paper and in person. Talk about any courses, education, training and home-based work you’ve done while you’ve been officially out of the workplace. Draw attention to skills you’ve acquired being a mother, Don’t feel that just because you haven’t been working your way up a traditional career ladder that your skills aren’t valuable. 

Start a Small Home-Based Business

contribute to the family income

You might not be able to take on a full or even part-time job while you’re raising your kids simply because you need more flexibility. So why not become your own boss and start a business from home? You can choose how much time you spend on it and create something you love to do. It could be blogging or freelancing skills like writing, graphic design, and accounting. It also helps to get a virtual business address in a central location like London if you do international business.

Additionally, you could monetize a creative hobby like sewing, crafts, art, or photography. Consider outsourcing some of the more time-consuming parts of your business to companies like  www.cybershifttech.com that manage IT services. That way you won’t be spending all of your time focused on business.


About Madeline

Madeline is a mid-west mom of three who spends most of her time refilling ice trays and changing toilet paper...just kidding. She is a high school guidance counselor, all around funny gal, and a writer. Her first book, Be Happy Already!", is in the works.

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