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4 Do’s For Fitness Success And Safety

It’s nearly impossible to open your favorite social media platform without seeing the fitness journeys and success of friends and strangers. While for some people, this might be motivating but can also be stressful for women who find staying fit difficult.

Truthfully, staying fit is a complex endeavor for many. This is primarily because they may not have the right information, equipment, or the time & money to be consistent.  Additionally, planning an effective and safe workout may take a period of trial and error. This can be discouraging for a beginner who doesn’t have help. To give you somewhere to begin, here are some do’s for fitness success and safety.

Educate Yourself about Fitness

First, always consult your physician before you embark on a new fitness protocol or routine. It’s also important to understand the basic physiology of your body in order to treat it with respect during your workouts. I do recommend knowing the major muscles and tendons of the body and how they move. This will help you to understand what certain exercises do and how they affect your fitness.

Furthermore, if you need some help with putting together a safe, effective workout, hire a personal trainer or consult expert videos. Having guidance helps to keep you focused on your goal but also helps you to make sense of equipment and workout moves. Understanding what works for you and how to achieve the best results will completely transform your approach to fitness. 

Keep Workouts on the Calendar

When you run a tight schedule, making time for exercise can seem like an impossible challenge. And, it’s not that you don’t want to get fit. Being overly busy is your enemy because it causes stress, low energy, and mental fatigue. Therefore, I recommend keeping some flex time in your calendar, so you aren’t doing too much. Also, committing time for fitness by scheduling it helps to make it a priority.

Making Time

In order to make time for fitness goals, something has to give. In other words, you may have to switch some things around or even give up activities that aren’t crucial. This goes for your work as well as personal life. Way too many women are overcommitted with their jobs and businesses. Perhaps tasks that need doing could be re-assigned to someone else? Consider checking your local business listings to find someone to help you clean the house or manage your business IT? You don’t need to be the one doing everything on your to-do list!

Be Gentle with Yourself

It’s tempting to push yourself when you want to achieve rapid results in your fitness. However, doing so won’t serve you in the long run and can be dangerous. Overtraining is the most common cause of fitness injuries. Be patient and gentle with yourself, even if you’ve been working out for a while. The body can be strong, but it’s likely we all have vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Pay close attention to any past injuries or weak muscles.

Allow rest in between workouts to help your muscles recover. Additionally, treat yourself to massages, soaks, and ice if you get sore. Remember, if you hurt yourself and it doesn’t get better or seems severe, see a doctor as soon as you can.

Know Your Fitness Level

If you haven’t been active for a long time, it’s fair to say that your fitness level is low. You will need to start out slowly and be careful not to overdo it. This isn’t the time to sign up for a fitness boot camp or brutal spin class. That said, you want to challenge yourself enough that you’re making a difference in your muscle strength and endurance. Stay focused on your progress, and don’t waste time comparing yourself to enthusiastic hard bodies who have a much higher fitness level. 

Have a Good Attitude

Don’t despair if you’ve had setbacks or haven’t found what works for you. Keep trying and work on getting stronger at the pace that is right for your body. It helps if you focus on the positive progress you’ve made and your goal. See yourself the way you want to be, strong, fit, and energetic. You will feel more confident about your moves and your body if you give yourself the time and chance to build up your skills. 


About Madeline

Madeline is a mid-west mom of three who spends most of her time refilling ice trays and changing toilet paper...just kidding. She is a high school guidance counselor, all around funny gal, and a writer. Her first book, Be Happy Already!", is in the works.

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