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4 Reasons To Celebrate Your Business Anniversary

You’ve survived in business another year! Whoohoo! Yeah, that’s something to be proud these days with countless of young businesses going under daily. Just the fact that you are present in the business world, that you took a chance on the tight market and are giving it your best shot warrant a slow handclap and standing O. I, for one, know how much work and time go into starting and running a small business…not for the faint of heart. There are a plethora of reasons you should celebrate your business anniversary, but we will only touch on a few here today. 

It Expresses Gratitude and Praise 

The world of business moves fast. We rarely get the chance to stop, catch our breath, and take stock of the things we’ve accomplished. The business anniversary is the perfect opportunity to do just that. Whether it’s just you or you have staff, take a look at how far you’ve come over the past year and revel in that achievement!

You can even hand out business awards to turn it into a ceremony, thanking team members and other individuals for the effort they put in helping the brand succeed. This is the perfect time to express your gratitude for finances, people, growth, and even the challenges that have created strength.

It Builds Company Morale and Pride

Rather than simply pouring yourself a glass of champagne in your private office, get everyone who has helped you build your business involved in the party, as well. If your team is scattered across multiple locations, consider getting a corporate event planner to come and organize an event that brings everyone together at the same location. It’s vital for team morale that they get the chance to celebrate each other’s successes and to have some time together that isn’t work.

It Promotes Your Brand

You should never turn down the opportunity to engage with your community of customers (and those yet to become customers). You can create special landing pages, raise awareness through social media, and offer discounts tied to the anniversary of the business. If you have a physical store, you might even add a little decorative flair for the week to encourage a little extra traffic. You might be able to make the anniversary something special your customers and clients look forward to each year.

It Helps You See the Future 

Just as it is important to look to the past, so, too, is it crucial to look ahead and to see what comes next. You don’t want your business to stagnate, so it’s time to think about what the next goals are, what milestones you’re heading for, and what stage you want to be in this time next year and beyond. Expressing your future strategy at a celebration helps you and your team to dig deeper and commit to the plan. 

Once a year, you can arrange for an event that helps you look back on where you’ve come from, see where you’re going, and give everyone involved the pat on the back they deserve. Think about your business’s upcoming anniversary and how you might celebrate with a bang!

About Madeline

Madeline is a mid-west mom of three who spends most of her time refilling ice trays and changing toilet paper...just kidding. She is a high school guidance counselor, all around funny gal, and a writer. Her first book, Be Happy Already!", is in the works.

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