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4 Simple Steps To Achieve Greater Wellness

Living a healthier life can seem like a daunting task, especially when you’ve been far from that path. One thing to consider that helps put this into perspective is that poor health didn’t happen overnight. That means that obtaining and keeping good health will also take time and effort. I do know it’s easier if you look at improving your health as a series of small choices and start where you are currently. This takes time, but it will help you achieve greater wellness.

Many women find out after suffering for years that a shift in how they approach wellness helps. Medical practitioners such as functional and integrative doctors look at things differently than traditional medical providers. These changes can lead to positive breakthroughs that, ultimately, build a strong foundation of health for a lifetime. You can even look for information about integrative protocols at Dr. Lori Gerber virtual. In the meantime, here are just a few of my top steps to achieve greater wellness.

Eating Healthful Food

Anyone with focus and determination is capable of making small changes to their diet to improve their health no matter where they are right now. If you are just getting started on your wellness journey, start small with manageable steps. If you try to make too many changes at once, it can be hard to maintain and will likely result in reverting back to old habits. The best path to greater wellness where food is concerned is to make a plan and work toward it one step at a time.

Try making simple switches in your regular diet instead of drinking pop with lunch, choose water or herbal tea. You can cut out sugary treats and replace them with nuts, seeds, and items that have higher nutritional value. Even doing this occasionally will help you to build a better diet in general. If you have a hard time cutting out things, work on eating more fruits and vegetables to bring the nutrition up a level. You might also find food prepping in advance helpful if you live a busy lifestyle. This is a lot easier with food grade bags for food packaging. 

Drink More Water

Another important step you can take for greater wellness is drinking enough water each day. Most people do not consume enough pure water due to various reasons. Dehydration has some pretty nasty consequences for overall health and wellness. Find a way to track your water intake throughout the day. I find that using a large water bottle helps me to know exactly what I’ve consumed. Choosing water as opposed to soda, coffee, and other sugary drinks is also a way to get in more H2O. Furthermore, there’s a chance that sometimes when you think you’re hungry, it could just be that your body
needs water.

Get Your Wellness Checks

It is also important to get regular checkups with your healthcare providers. They not only can help guide you on your wellness journey but health checks will show risks, dangers, and anything that is or could become an issue. Talk to your doctor about which tests and screenings are appropriate for your age, gender, and lifestyle.

Move More

achieve greater wellnessI’m not going to harp on getting fierce exercise every day because it’s not necessary to do so for wellness. In fact, engaging in a mild, gentle movement on a regular basis is better for joints, metabolism, and it helps prevent injury.  It is also important to find physical activities that you enjoy and that have benefits for you. 

**** This post is strictly informational and is not meant to replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Women’s lifelink, its owners, administrators, contributors, affiliates, vendors, authors, and editors do not claim that this information will diagnose, treat, or improve any condition or disease.


About Madeline

Madeline is a mid-west mom of three who spends most of her time refilling ice trays and changing toilet paper...just kidding. She is a high school guidance counselor, all around funny gal, and a writer. Her first book, Be Happy Already!", is in the works.

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