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4 Time-Management Tips For Small Business Owners

As the owner of a small business, you are ultimately responsible for the success of the organization. This means that you’ll end up working long hours and performing a wide variety of tasks, particularly when your business is first established.

However, effectively managing time is essential for small business owners. Failure to do so limits productivity and, ultimately, profitability over the years. If you own a business or you’re thinking of starting an enterprise, take a look at these essential time management tips for small business owners.

Monitor Your Day

Chances are, you may not know what you’re spending most of your time on. Before you start making changes to your routine, however, monitor your schedule for a couple of days. Write down all of your tasks and how long each thing takes.  This will give you a clear picture of you might be getting distracted or bogged down by tasks you could delegate. Often, small business owners spend an inordinate amount of time on tasks that aren’t facilitating business growth or increasing profits. 


No matter how talented you are, you’re going to need professional support in order to succeed. You may be able to manage your accounts, for example, but how much time does this take up? Similarly, you may be capable of fixing a broken printer, but does it take you half a day to get the job done?

By outsourcing certain jobs, you can free up your own time and access expert assistance. For example, by using IT services from a company like Valley Techlogic or fixed fee accountancy services, you are saving the business time and money.  

Take Breaks

Small business owners often work long hours, seven days a week. Of course, this isn’t sustainable, and it isn’t good for you or your business. While you might be tempted to devote all your free time to your company. However, doing so will leave you exhausted, stressed, and not doing your best work. 

Managing your time effectively as a small business owner means factoring breaks into your schedule. As well as ensuring you have enough time to relax with family and friends. This will enable you to re-energize and return to your tasks with increased focus and motivation. 

Enhancing Productivity as a Small Business Owner

Maximizing productivity is a sure-fire way to ensure your business succeeds but it is important to take a strategic approach. By managing your time appropriately, you can minimize the number of resources you use while boosting your output. As a result, you will operate more efficiently and see greater profit as a result.



About Madeline

Madeline is a mid-west mom of three who spends most of her time refilling ice trays and changing toilet paper...just kidding. She is a high school guidance counselor, all around funny gal, and a writer. Her first book, Be Happy Already!", is in the works.

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