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5 Career Options To Give Back To Society

Choosing a satisfying and profitable career can be challenging for women of all ages. Unfortunately, so many of us end up in roles that we don’t enjoy and fall short in satisfying our dreams. Because of this, women leave jobs to pursue other possibilities. Low salary, poor management, lack of contribution and satisfaction are among the primary reasons for looking around. Many women consider working in an altruistic role, as helping others can improve job satisfaction and even boost mental health. To find your first dose of inspiration, take a look at these 5 career options to give back to society.

Nature Conservation Officer

Nature conservation officers work to protect and enhance the environment. These officers raise awareness of our natural environment and encourage the respectful use of outdoor spaces. Nature conservation involves developing policies and creating targets as part of national biodiversity plans. The typical duties of a nature conservation officer include:

  • Promoting biodiversity and implementing plans both locally and nationally.
  • Fieldwork and creating sustainable management policies.
  • Advising various stakeholders.
  • Creating management plans.
  • Assessing ‘Sites of Specific Interest’.    

Charity Sector Roles

Altruistic individuals often gravitate toward the charity sector. There are so many charities doing groundbreaking work and plenty of ways to get involved. You might pursue an administrative or finance support position, a marketing role, or a position in fundraising. Many third sector jobs are happy to provide training for the right person, (so don’t be discouraged from applying if you don’t completely fit the personal specification). To make a start with your search try using sites like Foundation List or Diversity For Social Impact.


Caregivers provide personal care for many different types of people. They offer support with daily activities, including support taking medications, cooking meals, grooming, bathing, and everyday errands. Caregivers usually work with disabled adults, seniors, or individuals who’ve recently had surgery. Caregivers are required to have a high school diploma, a license, and first aid training. To learn more about caregiver jobs near me take a look at Ohioans Home Care.

Social Worker

Social workers support people with their problems, helping them to find solutions. In many cases, they protect vulnerable individuals, keeping these people safe from harm or abuse. Social workers support a variety of groups including young offenders, adults with mental health issues or learning disabilities; people with alcohol or drugs problems; asylum seekers; or children who need to live away from their parents. Social workers visit clients, assess their needs, and arrange support. They make referrals to the appropriate agencies to get people the help they need.

Emergency Call Handler

Emergency call handlers answer 911 emergency calls, providing lifesaving assistance and advice. They must prioritize calls and offer medical advice to support the public. Within this role, typical duties include:

  • Taking emergency calls and recording call details.
  • Prioritizing calls according to urgency.
  • Getting key information from the caller to provide to the ambulance crew.
  • Updating the ambulance crew.
  • Keeping the person calm while they wait for emergency assistance.
  • Transferring non-emergency calls.

Altruistic careers like these can help women to give back, gain excellent job satisfaction, and learn new skills. Choosing a career that you love is one of the best ways to enrich your day-to-day life.


About Madeline

Madeline is a mid-west mom of three who spends most of her time refilling ice trays and changing toilet paper...just kidding. She is a high school guidance counselor, all around funny gal, and a writer. Her first book, Be Happy Already!", is in the works.

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