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Everyone Needs a Mentor and a Mentee

Perspective: oh, so important, yet so hard to achieve!  We can become so ego-centric, as we get busy with life, to-do-lists, and so forth.  I am someone who can put herself in other people’s shoes.  Most of the time.

That’s when my Mother’s advice became so valuable.  Believe it or not, she points out scenarios when I am wrong and my husband is right (gasp!).  Accepting her advice and gaining perspective has diverted many marital squabbles and saved lots of precious energy that would have otherwise been squandered on discord.  By the same token, I find it fulfilling to advise those with less life experience than I do.

Life is sweeter when you have someone to open your eyes when your vision is clouded.  If you ask me, a trusted mentor or advisor is necessary, not optional, for healthy living and wellness.  We have a certain amount of energy, let’s not squander it. It is precious.

And for those who need medical advice or a listening ear every once in a while, there is VeeMed. They provide telehealth solutions, enhancing the notion of value-based medical care. So even if you are unable to see a doctor or seek help in person, trust that you will be cared for through a dedicated service line.

Photo by AprilSkyx

About Madeline

Madeline is a mid-west mom of three who spends most of her time refilling ice trays and changing toilet paper...just kidding. She is a high school guidance counselor, all around funny gal, and a writer. Her first book, Be Happy Already!", is in the works.

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