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Tag Archives: Chronic pain

4 Common Health Issues Associated With Aging

Health Issues Associated With Aging

As you get older, you may begin to worry more about your health… understandably so. The good news is that there are doable steps to …

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4 Natural Ways To Minimize Chronic Pain

Experiencing chronic pain is something that can diminish your quality of life quickly. Because I’ve learned this firsthand, I have no problem telling you how …

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8 Common Chronic Pain Mistakes

Chronic pain is no walk in the park. In fact, many women who live with it may not want to walk at all. It can …

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5 Effective Ways To Manage Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is no picnic. It can steal your life right out from under you. And, managing it can take up much of your time …

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5 Easy Ways Women Can Reduce Lower Back Pain

For women, lower back pain can occur frequently and for various reasons. This is primarily due to the extra trauma and strain put on the …

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6 Powerful Ways To Fight Chronic Back Pain

If you’ve ever experienced back pain (acute or chronic), you know, all too well, how negatively it can affect your life, work, and overall well-being. …

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8 Natural Effective Pain Remedies

The body is naturally able to heal itself time-and-time again, however, on that journey, many people suffer from chronic pain. I have been one of …

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3 Ways To Live Life To The Fullest When You Have Chronic Illness

To most, the idea of living with a chronic health condition is terrifying and with good reason. Getting a diagnosis that is there to stay can bring on some strong emotions, stress, and physical signs that change your life. When they told me I had MS (Multiple Sclerosis) I went through days and weeks of fear, anger, and frustration. On one hand, I pressed myself for the reasons it was happening and, at the same time, I searched desperately for the guts to fight it.

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Inflammation Is Slowly Killing You

Here's the deal... In a perfect world and body, short-term inflammation is a normal immune system response that helps fight infection , rescues body systems during trauma, and eases allergic responses (grandma's yummy chicken soup simmering on the stove). Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, happens when the body does not turn off the production of normal pro-inflammatory cells that are needed in those temporary situations (the pot bowls over, starts a fire, and keeps burning until someone puts it out).

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Balancing The Migraine Teeter-Totter

As a long time migraine sufferer, I have experienced days that are fairly normal and those that would be crossed out from universal existence...given a choice. The constant motion of my life, the ups and downs remind me of being on a teeter-totter as a child. (I hated it then, too.)

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Fibromyalgia Awareness: One Woman’s Story

A diagnosis of fibromyalgia carries a negative stigma in society because the symptoms are very vague and are not so clear-cut as other diseases/conditions. I have actually heard people say that there is no such thing as fibromyalgia, or that the symptoms are fake and they are all in the person's head. It is also widely believed that people who have fibromyalgia just want attention and/or medication.

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Skechers, Yoga, and Women’s Blogs to Love

A few things to share today - some rockin', new shoes, a way to ease chronic pain, and a blog post for all moms out there.

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Our Wonderful Bodies

Recently, I have noticed as I give more attention to the needs of my internal systems, some of the aches and pains I thought to be "normal" aging have disappeared; you bet, I'm grateful. Oh, Happy Day!

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Pain Blog Link

Hey, everyone, I'm linked over at How to Cope With Pain blog for their July Pain Carnival. Please pop on over to check out my article on women's migraine and also read some of the other wonderful posts listed there. Be well-be beautiful.

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Pain In the Neck

Most women, at some time in their lives, experience neck pain. Though there are many causes for the pain that can sometimes be debilitating, the most common ongoing culprits are poor posture and positioning of the head while doing tasks like computer work and reading. Trust me; I know. I have suffered from chronic neck problems since my early adulthood.

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