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Tag Archives: mental illness

3 Ways To Limit The Effect Of Covid-19 On Mental Health

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels The effect of the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting global lockdown has had many unexpected consequences, including a negative influence on our …

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6 Important Facts About Anxiety

First, anxiety is a mental illness that affects millions of people all over the world. In fact, in the US alone, there are more than …

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4 Healthy Ways To Cope With Mental Illness

Anyone who has struggled with mental illness knows it's not easy. It can also be very difficult to talk about because of the stigma and shaming that can often come with it. Most people don't understand what can happen or how their loved ones really feel. That is unless they have experienced it themselves. This is one reason why so many try to hide their affliction and even completely turn away from everyone they love. Obviously, that is not the best course of action for relief and true help. Here are 4 important actions when mental illness strikes.

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5 Health Conditions Women Need To Talk About

Unfortunately, men and women aren’t created equally in a biological sense. And, as a result, there are some health conditions that affect women more than men. But, surprisingly, we women rarely speak to each other about these serious conditions. That all needs to change. By talking to each other about our health, we raise awareness. And then more and more women will know to get important tests and checkups, so they can catch potentially dangerous conditions early. So, which health conditions are women at most risk for? Here are some of the main ones.

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Introducing The Amazing Karen Tyrrell

When most people think of bullying, the first thing that usually comes to mind is bullying in the school – as in students picking on other students. But, sadly, bullying happens everywhere, and no-one is immune. thor Karen Tyrrell is the perfect example of this. Her first book Me & Her: a Memoir of Madness is based on her own experience as a teacher who suffered at the hands of some parents in her school at the time. Born in Sydney of poorly educated parents, Karen decided at the age of eight that she wanted to be a teacher, and she achieved this prior to becoming an author. She mentions that writing and speaking about mental health for both adults and kids became her driving force.

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Self-Injury Awareness Day

Today is March 1, 2013 – Self Injury Awareness Day Self-injury or self-harming is when a person deliberately hurts themselves physically to deal with the emotional pain they are suffering. When it comes to self-harm, cutting is thought of as the main way people hurt themselves. But this is only one way to deal with inner pain. Another misconception is that it’s mainly teenagers that use this coping mechanism; the truth is, self-harm occurs in all age groups, both sexes and many races and backgrounds.

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Living With Borderline Personality Disorder

If you have been in any type of relationship with someone who suffers from BPD, you would tell me that it was hell and you were constantly walking on eggshells. The problem is, we BPDs are just as afraid of ourselves as you are of us. We do not like living with this person any more than you do. However, it is not our choice...not at first anyway. This is how we learned to deal with life, whether it is right or wrong. For me, everyone that I have ever loved has left me. No one wants to deal with the ‘crazy’ and honestly, most days I don’t want to either.

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Stop The Ride I Want Off! A Borderline Personality Disorder Story

I've ridden a roller-coaster my entire life, fitting in nowhere, not even in my own home. Of course, by chance when I did, I’d find some way to mess it up. This life never allowed me to like myself or believe I deserved others to like me either. I’d moved out on my own by 16 and was expelled from school just before graduation. My life displayed a pattern: abusive relationships, drug abuse, eating disorders, and other self-destructive tendencies that I never once thought of as problems. I really had no idea who I was. I simply lived my life the best way I knew how.

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