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Tag Archives: negative thinking

Can’t Consciousness

Today, I extend another invitation to you and to your spirit. It is about taking a journey into your mind and being introduced to the great power that resides within. The invitation is for you and your spirit separately because I would like you to pay attention to the separateness and to begin to acknowledge how often we do act in separation. Ultimately, our goals are to live in this world united in all aspects of our being – when we do that, we have an immediate sense of wholeness, of creation and an understanding of our full power.

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3 Things That Can Ruin Your Life

As much as I really don't enjoy thinking about negative things, let alone writing about them, I realized how important this post could be for someone (or a few someones) out there. Hunkered down under my comforter at midnight, I began to ponder exactly what have been the top three hindrances to the success level I desire in any given area of my life. A little too heavy for pre-sleep, but the thoughts were pushing their way out and not taking NO for an answer.

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