Entrepreneurship can be one of the most exciting and rewarding career moves a woman can make. However, it can also be one of the most challenging things to pull off successfully. There are some savvy things you must get under your belt if you want to make a name for yourself in business. Having the right tools, resources, and contacts is a must.
Read More »Are You Prepared To Start A Business? 3 Things You Need To Know
So, you want to start a business? Great! First, there are some things you should know. Going freelance or being an entrepreneur are both career moves that require some guts and fortitude. You will have to deal with some challenging people and technical issues on a regular basis. And, though, this is a common occurrence in business, it doesn't mean that everyone is prepared for it just because they flip the open sign. I believe preparation and training are the best ways to be ready for a business venture. It's not unlike training for a marathon or athletic sport. It takes consistency, willingness to push yourself to the limit, and an undying passion to reach goals. Here are 3 musts for readying yourself for entrepreneurship.
Read More »5 Simple Steps That Will Rock Your Online Business Set Up
In today’s business climate, conducting your work from home is an increasingly popular option. Many women want to be their own bosses so they can pursue their true passions and mission. However, a home-based, online business isn't all glam and glitz and, though you are the queen, there is a lot of royal work that only you can do. Your company needs your attention if it has the chance to survive and thrive. So roll up your golden sleeves and toss that tiara, 'cause you've got work to do!
Read More »Good Things Do Come in Small Packages
Only difference here is that this ‘good thing’ is actually nothing short of fantastic and that ‘small package’ is actually teensy-weensy. Enter the amazing JO …
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