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Tag Archives: Life Change

Stop Making Excuses In 5 Easy Steps

Half way through our New You in 31 Days Challenge I've noticed my own attempted excuses to either put off or not carry out my intentions for each day. "I'm tired," or "It's too late. No one will read my post now," or "No good ideas are coming to me." And where exercising is concerned, they are nearly endless. "I don't want to get sore," or "I don't have time," or "You can just do it tomorrow," and "I need someone to exercise with." Really? I don't think so. I'm just stalling and putting off what will actually change my life. And, you all know when you do it, too. Don't make excuses for your excuses, either!

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Believing Is Seeing…

Today is the day that we need to look at our beliefs about what is possible in our own lives. If you truly want to be a different person next month, than you have to change your mind first. Do you believe you can change your life? I mean really believe? No matter where you are, you can improve on something in your life. However, before that happens, you must believe deeply that it will happen. Your mind is so powerful that it can and will moves mountains to see your dreams come to pass.

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5 Criminals That Stand In The Way Of Change And How To Remove Them

I know you've seen videos of protesters picketing or even physically blocking an entrance to a building or piece of land.Those who protest for a cause either want or need to stop something from changing or make it change. The result can go one of three ways depending on how peaceful the protest is: the protesters win and get their way, they don't and slip back into the crowd, or they get hauled away in paddy wagon. I picture these protesters gathering inside our minds when confronted with significant acts of change. Have you felt this crowd of free-thinkers protesting your dreams and goals? Are your efforts to do things differently frequently sabotaged by unseen troublemakers?

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Is Social Media Hurting Me?

I recently deactivated my Facebook® account for a couple months and, after the initial shock of not having a news feed to scroll through passed, I realized I was experiencing some crazy emotions. I was sad, missing all my daily interactions. I was lonely, lonelier than I had ever been in the past. My phone was extra quiet and the ones I reached out to, gave me a hard time about deactivating. I was frustrated!

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Live Life Victoriously

How do you view your everyday life? Is it a battle you fight daily, or is it an adventure? It's all in the way you look at things! Instead of focusing on setbacks and the next frustration, plan for the next adventure.

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Am I Dreaming Big Enough?

One thing we can likely all relate to is that our beliefs about what is possible (our dreams) get stuck sometimes. What do they get stuck in or on? Well, my beliefs about myself and my potential have been, at times, stuck in the worst quicksand-ish, mucky mud, stench-filled mind traps you could ever imagine. These prison-like places have kept me from dreaming big at times. How about you? This place I've described, though only a fictional scene to paint a picture, can be just as dangerous to your future as if you were actually waist deep in a bog. Our minds have the capacity to make things real...all things, serving and non-serving. That said, Don't you think if you expanded your mind a little where your dreams are concerned, you just might see some amazing things happen for real? I challenge you. I challenge me.

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5 Easy Steps To Improve Your Life…And Proof They Work!

November proved to be a big month for me, and with New Year’s around the corner, this year is going out with my own personal fireworks! Do you believe in the Law of Attraction?

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Decorate Your Life

I thought about how our lives can get lackluster and boring if we don’t express our true selves. What if we could just “decorate” our lives like we do our homes for the holidays? I believe it’s possible. The key is discovering your unique style of self-expression.

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See the Seen

What I mean is.... there are MANY things in life that we look at. We have looked at them so much, it becomes second nature to ignore them. For instance: The clouds... We know they are there most days so we do not take in the different shapes that could be talking to us. A dragon, an angel, a dog chasing a mouse. Yes, you read it correctly. A dog. Clouds don't care! Then you have the vast array of stars you may have glanced at a few weeks or months ago, but with all your business, you have been looking forward and not very often up. I looked up last night and found thousands and thousands of diamonds crying out for attention! I just stared in wonder at the beauty of them all. Big dipper, little dipper. Orion's belt. The North Star. We looked for them as kids. Have you looked at how big the moon is? With our naked eye, so many things are seen but not admired even though we may have admired them a lot.

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Embracing Beauty

Have things in your life been a struggle? Maybe things have just been constrictive or you feel stuck. Maybe you are frustrated with a situation you just cannot seem to get past. Lately I have had butterflies on my mind. No, not the nervous butterflies in the tummy but the beautiful, flighty, colorful creatures that take to the sky and land on the wild flowers. They do not stay in one place long, but before those beautiful moments of flight, it was a caterpillar snug tight in it's cocoon. That is where it goes through metamorphosis. Changes. There are stages to it's growth. And then, when the time is right, the cocoon tears away to reveal the colorful wings that take flight.

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Invitation For Change

This month has been interesting for my family as we're coming up on some major life shifts. The company for which my husband had worked for 7 years closed recently. Though he has not gone a day without a job due to the favor he's received over the past few months from the company who purchased the building and land, he is now facing a major job or even industry change. For our family this could mean relocating out of state. Additionally, we are faced with moving out of our home very quickly due to circumstances out of our control. Without knowing where my husband will obtain a new position, we are unable to decide where to move or to begin even looking. The strange thing is I don't feel upset or stressed about the unknown, and the reason for my peace is that I invited change to come into my life.

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Broken But Beautiful

Well, about a week ago, I got out of the car and noticed a butterfly on the ground. He was pretty damaged. An inch of one wing was missing. The rest of him was beautiful - a mix of colors; orange, yellow, brown and blue. He was broken, but he was still beautiful. I took a picture of him as I thought of how God had created this beautiful creature and how he could still be so lovely in his brokenness.

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The Most Significant Change You Will Ever Experience

I can't tell you how many times I've changed my hair color, clothing styles, favorite bands and authors, or wall colors in my house (the painter (hubby) sighs...). Realistically, I am a highly cultivated experiencer of new and creative things (self-proclaimed...and that's the point to this article). I've discovered that change should come after deciding a thing or idea no longer is a part of who you are today and not because someone else or societal trends say so. Truth changes us but only if it is OUR truth and we genuinely experience it to serve who we are or want to be. When honored as a part of your sacred path, defining YOUR truth is the most significant change you will ever experience!

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Life With A Twist

Ahhhhhh summertime! I just love ice clinking in a glass and then adding the lemonade. Wait. I am not done. I would also like a slice of lime, a slice of lemon, a cherry - stem on because it looks so much more decadent that way, and a sliced strawberry. Oh sure...add a slice of orange and some pineapple too. What do you mean, "That's not lemonade?" It is lemonade...with a twist.

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"What you seldom do , if done often, would change your life." This statement came to me this morning after a visualization session. Simple. Yes. And that is precisely why I am so thankful for it. It is also why I wanted to share it with you. So often we make things WAY too complicated by making lists, getting more education, making resolutions -trying to literally reinvent the wheel. I'm exhausted just thinking about how many things we can cram into our day in order to make life better. Well, I'm relieved by the simple fact change is as simple as that silly quote up there.

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