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common causes of toothaches

4 Common Causes Of Toothaches And How To Prevent Them

You’re sitting at your desk, working on a project, when you suddenly feel this sharp pain in your tooth. It’s throbbing, and it won’t go away no matter what you do. You might be wondering, “Do I have a toothache?” Though it could be something else, a toothache is a probable cause. Let’s look at some common causes of toothaches and some tips to prevent them. 

Common Causes of Toothaches: 


Cavities are one of the most common reasons why people have toothaches. Know that cavities don’t just show up one day. They take a while to notice because decay is usually gradual and can remain surface for months and even years. Tooth decay is caused by bacteria that break down the enamel of your tooth. Over time, this can lead to pain and sensitivity if it reaches beyond the protective layer of the tooth.

Gum Disease 


Teeth Grinding 

Teeth grinding (also called bruxism) is another common cause of toothaches. This is when you grind your teeth together, usually at night while you are sleeping. Teeth grinding can cause a lot of wear and tear on your teeth, leading to pain and sensitivity. It can also cause headaches, jaw pain, and earache.

Fractured Tooth 

A fractured tooth is another common cause of a toothache. This is when you have a cracked or chipped tooth. A fracture can occur from biting down on hard objects, chewing ice, or from an injury. Fractures can be painful and may require emergency treatment from a dentist. I once cracked a molar on a popcorn kernel…OUCH! Yes, I went to the dentist!

How to Prevent Toothaches 

Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day

Brushing your teeth is one of the best ways to prevent decay and cavities. Use a quality toothbrush that isn’t too hard, as this can damage your gums. Use a toothpaste that is pleasant and offers the benefits that you desire. Some people use fluoride but some don’t. There are plenty of good options for both kinds. I use a biologic brand that helps the microbiome of the mouth and keeps gums healthy. 

Floss Your Teeth Every Day 

Flossing is another important way to prevent the problems that can cause toothaches. Floss your teeth at least once a day to remove plaque and bacteria from between your teeth. This is especially important if food gets trapped between gaps in your teeth. If you can, it’s best to floss after meals and snacks.

Talk to Your Dentist about a Mouth Guard or Crowns

If you suspect that you grind in your sleep, ask your dentist if he/she sees evidence of it. If you both conclude that grinding is for sure, get fitted for a mouth guard to wear at night. This will help prevent damage to your teeth and gums.

If you are at risk for tooth damage, breakage, or loss, consider getting dental crowns. Dental crowns help to protect your teeth from many different things but often are used to stabilize a weak tooth. Keep in mind that if you are allergic to metals, you may want to get Metal-Free Dental Crowns. These crowns are made of ceramic or porcelain and are less likely to cause an allergic reaction.

**** This post is strictly informational and is not meant to replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Women’s lifelink, its owners, administrators, contributors, affiliates, vendors, authors, and editors do not claim that this information will diagnose, treat, or improve any condition or disease.


About Caroline Stewart

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