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4 Practical Ways to Overcome Negative Thinking 

Unfortunately, we live in a world that isn’t always kind. It can even feel like there is some type of vendetta against us, as we simply try to live our lives. If we’re not careful, we can start to expect the worst to happen all the time. But, in reality, getting trapped in this kind of thinking can actually do more harm to our lives and even our health.

According to Dr. Natalie L. Marchant, repetitive negative thinking can aggravate harmful protein deposits in the brain, leading to cognitive decline and even dementia. What’s more, it can trigger chronic stress, which upsets your hormonal balance, depletes your happiness chemicals, and damages your immune system. Fortunately, there are some practical ways to overcome negative thinking if you’re willing to work on it and make some changes. 

Be Around Positive People 

Negative thoughts can be overwhelming and drain vital energy if they get out of control. It’s a slippery slope that most people don’t see before it’s too late. I do know that humans are tribe oriented, meaning we are influenced by whom we live and associate with. Though the thought of removing certain people from your life might be a little scary, do consider how any negative interactions might be affecting you. You can always take a break and return to the relationship later when you get stronger.

If you can’t get away from troubling situations, try to counteract them by spending more time with positive people that build you up. This can reduce anxiety, enhance your confidence, and encourage you when you feel negative yourself. When you frequently associate with positive people, you will begin to change your own mindset.  For example, hang around friends and family that make you laugh and actively listen to you as much as you can. 

Avoid Victim Mentality

Although life may throw unpleasant situations at you, it’s not in your best interest to play the victim. However, changing this type of thinking isn’t as easy as just saying it. Victim mentality thrives on three central beliefs that have likely been imbedded for a long time. Read the following statements to see how you feel about them. Does this sound like you?

  • Bad things will keep happening to me.
  • Other circumstances or people are responsible for my problems.
  • Nothing can change it, so there’s point in trying.

Know that this can be destructive and lead to constant feelings of despair. Furthermore, it can feed negative thinking and emotions like bitterness, powerlessness, and envy. It also pushes others away because the energetic vibration is extremely low. Therefore, it’s prudent to first be aware of victim mentality and begin to change it. For starters, taking full responsibility for your actions will help you to heal and grow into the woman you truly want to be. Simple intentions like letting go of the past, focusing on the present and being hopeful for the future are also positive ways to end victim mentality. You may also seek a therapist’s help if you can’t let go of past hurts. 

Smile Often 

Smiling, especially when you don’t feel like it, is a powerful way to expel negative thoughts. I challenge you to smile right now and then try to feel bad about someone or something in your life. It’s hard, isn’t it? You see, smiling not only lowers  blood pressure and strengthens your immune system, but it tells your brain that everything is OK. It also gives you a youthful appearance and fosters positive relationships. What’s more, it relieves stress and improves your chances of combating negativity.

I highly recommend even practicing your smile in front of a  mirror, so you can see what others see. If you’re not confident about smile because of dental problems, consider working on that. Visit your dentist to see what can be done to enhance your smile or try snap on veneers for perfect smile to get instant results. I say, do what you need to smile more because it’s that important.

Practice Gratitude 

Though few people will ever have everything they could want, I’m betting that there is plenty to be grateful for. In fact, I’m of the belief that being grateful for all things (even the bad) is a perfect way to attract more of what we do want. Furthermore, research shows that gratitude increases your happiness levels, decreases depression/anxiety risk, and improves your overall wellbeing. What’s more, gratitude releases pent-up toxic emotions, reduces pain, and improves your sleep. That all sounds pretty important to me.

Therefore, consider practicing gratitude, and I mean intentionally practicing it with fervor. I actually schedule gratitude sessions for myself and my family because it builds habits and it works. You can also create a gratitude journal to record the little things you are thankful for and the experiences that remind you of the beautiful things and people you have in your life. Take time to appreciate nature’s beauty, and always be kind. You eliminate negative thoughts when you count your blessings regularly.



About Madeline

Madeline is a mid-west mom of three who spends most of her time refilling ice trays and changing toilet paper...just kidding. She is a high school guidance counselor, all around funny gal, and a writer. Her first book, Be Happy Already!", is in the works.

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