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4 Ways To Get Out Of A Career Rut

If the thought of waking Monday morning to go to work makes you feel sick to your stomach, it might be time to make some changes. Being stuck in a career you hate is no picnic and should not be entertained for a long period. After all, it’s important to find joy and peace for as much of your day as possible. Those who do not enjoy their work may not be aligned with who they are.  This process of self-discovery will take some soul-searching but is not impossible. And, I believe it can be done even though that alarm keeps waking you up on Monday morning. Here are 4 ways to get out of a career rut.

Get Out Of A Career Rut #1: Tell Someone How You’re Feeling

All too often, negative feelings about work are kept bottled up inside. Unfortunately, however, this pressure cooker like approach to handling your emotions is a temporary fix. I understand, in some cases, you might need to stay quiet, but not all the time. If you are being mistreated on the job, it’s up to you to stand up for yourself until a resolution arises.

Many companies have strong human resource departments that can handle emotional challenges employees face. Whether this is due to matters outside of work or on the job, you may be able to find a listening ear within your organization. Ultimately, if your employer knows the reason for your unhappiness, it puts you both in a more empowered position to do something about it.

Get Out Of A Career Rut #2: Change Your Work Schedule

If you’re feeling overworked, then reducing or changing your work hours could help.  Unfortunately, that might also result in a pay cut. Ask your human resource department or manager if there are any opportunities to work from home or even adopt a more flexible schedule. This will allow you the sense of more space, freedom, and autonomy that most people stuck in a career rut crave.

Get Out Of A Career Rut #3: Change Jobs

You don’t need to commit to sending out resumes just yet, but simply looking at what’s out there might give you a sense of empowerment. If you wish to get serious about job hunting, there are plenty of online recruitment companies that specialize in particular sectors. There is also a lot you can do on your own to locate a new position.

Get Out Of A Career Rut #4: Continue Your Education

Sometimes the problem is that you are not reaching your potential in your career. This is common because many companies demand degrees and/or specific training in order for employees to move up. If this is the case, do some research into degree programs. For example, if you would love to pursue nursing, how about checking out a masters in nursing program online. Or how about asking your employer what it would take to move up in your company.

In summary, if you’re feeling stuck in a career rut, talk to someone who can actually help resolve the issue. Make adjustments to your hours, and keep your options open by looking out for other opportunities. And if you really hate your job, mark a date in your calendar that will be your last day.  This way, you will be more motivated to take action and get yourself out of the rut.



About Madeline

Madeline is a mid-west mom of three who spends most of her time refilling ice trays and changing toilet paper...just kidding. She is a high school guidance counselor, all around funny gal, and a writer. Her first book, Be Happy Already!", is in the works.

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