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Inner Journey

Staying Focused On Purpose

Have you ever been shopping for a specific item like a formal dress or pair of shoes? Well, sure you have. And, while on that shopping trip, did you tend to get really distracted by all the new seasonal fashions and trends. Suddenly, your purposeful trip to the mall gets derailed...at least for a few minutes while you rush to the dressing room to try on that cute top you just couldn't resist scooping up into your arms. After all, it's so much fun to indulge in things that don't have rhyme or reason, huh? And though I have my fair share of these carefree occasions, I want to use this scenario to explain how living your life like this regularly can literally derail your train to authentic purpose.

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For A Reason

It all started a couple weeks ago. I had a real conversation with someone who actually believes in the same things I do - someone who values old school beliefs and finds peace in his universe, as well as understands how we manifest our lives. The conversation flowed for almost 6 hours, and by the end, I felt immense joy. We shared so many thoughts. Those first couple days were truly amazing. There were no uncomfortable silences. The laughs flowed as easily as the feelings that carried them. He was so beautiful to me. However, after just a few days, reality forced its way in, and I realized this would not last forever.

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What Is Hope?

There is record of the word hope in English, though in varying form, dating back to before the twelfth century and even earlier in Hebrew. I have a good feeling that even before there was a word, there was an action- a longing, an expectation, an anticipation. It's like the human equivalent of an animal's instinct- a built in feature. Not to say that animals don't hope and humans don't have instinct. It could be that both of these things are interchangeable and innate with all life. We need hope to live, thrive, and find our purpose. That is why I am thankful to

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Life’s Canvas

Each of our lives start as blank canvas. You get to add the colors with the strokes of your brush through your actions and attitudes toward the things you do, feel and accomplish. Here is the way I decide which colors are going on my canvas: Anything positive, like joy, love, mercy, grace, hope, giving, and helping others are my pastels and bright colors. Anger and bitterness, hate, selfishness, and deceit are the dark, foreboding colors that don't allow for a beautiful portrait.

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Wait For It

If you are like me, you tend to be anxious to get the end results of anything you do. Though there is nothing wrong with wanting to finish stuff, it can cause you to pull the proverbial trigger a little early sometimes. And when you're dealing with important decisions and the development of your dreams, it might serve in a greater way to wait for things to enter your life naturally, especially if you know you have intuitive gifts.

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Can’t Consciousness

Today, I extend another invitation to you and to your spirit. It is about taking a journey into your mind and being introduced to the great power that resides within. The invitation is for you and your spirit separately because I would like you to pay attention to the separateness and to begin to acknowledge how often we do act in separation. Ultimately, our goals are to live in this world united in all aspects of our being – when we do that, we have an immediate sense of wholeness, of creation and an understanding of our full power.

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Life’s Stepping Stones

Stepping stones of all shapes and sizes are used in gardens to make the path easier to see and also to make it more decorative. Something I find interesting about stepping stones is that the path has already been chosen by the gardener and then she lays the stepping stones. Some decorate the stones with beads, gemstones, glitter and other smaller stones and glass to make the stepping stones more distinctive. This gives us an awesome analogy for our lives.

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Fierce And Feminine, Fighting For Future

Happy International Women's Day everyone! I hope this day finds you thankful for your unique feminine qualities and strength. I truly believe there is a fierce women's movement happening on the planet today. This forward motion is driven by women just like you and me who desire change and a safe, blissful future for ourselves, families, and generations to come. Though, I support the idea of one woman bringing change to the planet, I know how much more groups of women banding together, collaborating and fighting for truth, can multiply that change exponentially.

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From Nowhere To Now Here

It is so interesting how words wrap themselves into meanings simply by the way that they are spelled. Coming as we all do from our own unique inside spaces, how does it feel when you think to yourself of being ‘nowhere’? Does it denote a positive memory or experience or is it more an experience of lack and limitation? Does the concept of ‘nowhere’ evoke a sense of nothingness, blankness in the spirit?

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Your Best Life

We have ‘the best of life’ in all of us in the present moment. We have the choices; be it regarding food, money, work arrangements, education, down time… I could go on and on. The way we reconcile our current status quo depends on these choices, and looking at our little microcosm first and foremost. There exists no right or wrong, no ‘having to do it this way or that’ (especially if that’s simply because it’s always been done that way!) and there’s no need to compare yourself to others.

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Seeing Yourself Through A Child’s Eyes

Just for a minute, try to imagine what it would be like to see yourself through the eyes of a child. Remember or not, we all did this at one time. After all, there is a little girl in there somewhere. She is your best friend, your confidant, your endless source of creative ideas. But first let's look at ourselves through the eyes of who we are now...a grown ups, maybe middle-aged women.

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Are You Competing With Yourself?

The one key to making perfect self-evaluations is to do it based on looking at the whole person you see in the present mirror. This image is your present personal best. She is the person you can see, touch, hear, know in this present time. She is not the you of the past or the you of the future. She is YOU right now,

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How To Believe In Yourself Part 1: The 180

Someone Worth Believing In That's the real problem, isn't it? Not that we can't believe in ourselves, but that we don't think we are worth believing in...at least part(s) of ourselves. But, Kellie, we are upstanding, productive women of the world, right? We couldn't possibly have that kind of self-esteem problem. Hummpfff...think again, ladies.

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3 Things That Can Ruin Your Life

As much as I really don't enjoy thinking about negative things, let alone writing about them, I realized how important this post could be for someone (or a few someones) out there. Hunkered down under my comforter at midnight, I began to ponder exactly what have been the top three hindrances to the success level I desire in any given area of my life. A little too heavy for pre-sleep, but the thoughts were pushing their way out and not taking NO for an answer.

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Stalkers…Where You Least Expect

There isn't much anyone can say to comfort someone who is being stalked. Terror and the fear of the unknown dominate the thoughts of a woman who knows someone is there watching, waiting, and looking for an opportune time to pounce. The only real relief comes when the perpetrator is stopped by the law or other means. I've said all this to paint a picture of a problem that I believe is just as serious and causes similar negative actions. I'm talking about being stalked by your own self-doubt, fear, and negative beliefs. Please hear me out...

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