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The Hard Stuff

Are You Drinking Too Much?

Many of us enjoy drinking now and then, but what happens when drinking becomes excessive or even an addiction? Addictions are characterized by a compulsion to do something, even when you know it’s not good for you. Has that social drink on a Friday evening become a daily event? Do you find that you turn to alcohol if you’ve had a bad day or you’re feeling down? Do you crave alcohol or feel like you need it? Are you desperate to drink even when you feel hungover, tired or run down?

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Do You Suspect Someone You Love Might Be On Drugs?

When someone you love has a problem with alcohol or drugs, it is painful to watch them go down the slippery slope of substance abuse. You want to help. You want your loved one back. But it’s difficult to help someone who may not be thinking clearly or is having trouble seeing their problem. Unfortunately, they may only get help when they are either forced to or when something bad happens like illness, accident, or legal issues. But, you still try. The fact is, those who are dealing with addiction will either wake up and get help, stop on their own, or they will eventually suffer horrible consequences for their lifestyle.

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The Stowaway

Ah, yes, the stowaway...to whom or what are you referring, Kellie? Well, I thought it was about time to talk about the big pink elephant in the room...the MS (Multiple Sclerosis). Many people have asked me what it is like, while others politely avoid the conversation altogether in fear of offending or making me feel bad...yes, I know they do that. So, I want to enlighten you all about what it's like for me to carry a stowaway around all day long.

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Why I Stopped My 10 Year Old Daughter from Dieting: How to Raise Body Confident Girls, Part 1

Every mother wants her daughter to grow up feeling beautiful and confident, but babies don’t come with owner’s manuals and we can only teach our girls what we know ourselves.

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Human Rights Activist, Monica Perrett, Simply Keeps Fighting

It gives me very great pleasure, to say nothing of pride, to introduce a woman who is all the above and more and also my friend of some years’ standing. Please meet aged care worker, Monica Perrett, mum to six and grandmum to one. A real battler. Monica says, she has always supported the underdog and fights for what she believes is right. And, believe me, I have watched her, albeit from afar, and she is all that she says she is.

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Your Weekly Dose of Diva: The First Step After Everything Falls Apart…

Here on the wet coast, it's, well, it is very wet. As I look out my window I see a whole lot of mud and three rather soggy horses. The west coast is not particularly perfect country for horses, whose roots are in high, arid, dry places. But, these mares, despite their somewhat low spirits and muddy legs, seem to keep on keeping on just fine. In fact, that's a bit of what I wanted to touch on this week. For many, these last few weeks have been a roller coaster...and I started to get really curious about what the first powerful step is when it comes to things falling apart.

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Just The Way You Are

It was two-thirty in the morning when she sent me the message. I could feel her stress and fear even though it was a digital communication. “I am tired of living a lie, a double life…I am gay,” she confessed. Her declaration did not move me, but her sadness and fear did. I felt sorry that she had not been able to truly be herself in this world without experiencing hate and ridicule from others. Individuality is at the core of our existence and the pursuit of it a path no other should ever block.

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5 Life Lessons From Dr. Seuss Books

March marked the 110th anniversary of the birth of Theodore Seuss Geisel. He was most famously known for his work in children’s literature, both writing and illustrating. We all remember many of these stories from our childhoods. From The Cat in the Hat to Marvin K Mooney, Dr. Seuss created characters that we have loved for over 6 decades.

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Change Your Story, Change Your Future

Back in December my family and I sold our home and we rented a big, beautiful house in upstate New York. But rather than being overjoyed and grateful for the opportunity to enjoy a fresh start, I went into one of the deepest depressions ever.

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A Woman’s Courage – Inside Depression

Welcome to Women's Life Link and our New You in 31 Days Challenge. We have a new contributor! Christina Taylor is another dear one from down under. She has a special story to share with us about her challenges and victories within her experience with Depression. She will be sharing some of her poetry that is featured in her book, A Woman's Courage. You can check out her bio and more about her book on the Contributor Page! Please welcome her with some comment love. I'm sure she would love to hear if any of you have experienced depression and, if so, how you handle challenges, what has worked for you, and what hasn't. Be YOU!

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Is Social Media Hurting Me?

I recently deactivated my Facebook® account for a couple months and, after the initial shock of not having a news feed to scroll through passed, I realized I was experiencing some crazy emotions. I was sad, missing all my daily interactions. I was lonely, lonelier than I had ever been in the past. My phone was extra quiet and the ones I reached out to, gave me a hard time about deactivating. I was frustrated!

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Your Present Moment

The beginning of this year, for me, brought both a wedding anniversary and the unexpected death of one of my beloved cats, little True Heart. I share this because out of both comes a plan for the new year on so many levels. As I experienced the shock and grief, in a conversation with my angels and guides, I was shown that my options were to stay in the pain and allow it to wash over and through me. I could allow it to become a dominant force defining my 2014, or I could honor the loss and pain by choosing different thoughts and paths created by the loss.

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Words Of Wisdom From The Lost

When you feel lost, it’s like a huge wave of emotion swallows you and then spits you back out, exhausted on a deserted island. You look around with wide eyes, body hurting, head reeling and think… “Oh my God. What do I do now?” These are a few things that have helped me, maybe they will help you:

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5 Easy Steps To Improve Your Life…And Proof They Work!

November proved to be a big month for me, and with New Year’s around the corner, this year is going out with my own personal fireworks! Do you believe in the Law of Attraction?

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“Red Head Randy” Actress, Jackee Minelli, Overcomes Years of Bullying

THE AMAZING JACKEE MINELLI Here is a young lady who is inspiration personified.  Jackee Minelli is young but has been through a lot in her …

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