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Ionic Detox Foot Bath And Chi Machine Session Giveaway

Photo by batheart

I wanted to share some information about an amazing natural therapy that can help boost your health.  Natural Rejuvenation of Indianapolis is giving away a gift certificate for the combo package that includes the Ionic Detox Foot Bath and the Chi Machine, valued at $50.  If you have any questions, please contact Terri Hawkins, N.D., PhD at Natural Rejuvenation.

Information written by Dr. Terri Hawkins 

The Ionic Detox Foot Bath is a high-tech detoxification system. It is completely painless and the results are astonishing. It is used as a foot bath to cleanse, balance and enhance the bio-energy (the vital energy force present in the breath of bodily fluids). This energy is the electro-magnetic force that is stores within the body and utilized by our cells. Chinese medicine refers to this energy as the “chi”. The complex energy filed permeates and realigns the body’s energy field while improving oxygen levels. While the foot bath is widely used to increase energy (both physical and mental energy) vitality and stamina, while at the same time it purges (detoxifies) the body of toxins, chemicals, radiation, pollution, synthetics, and foreign material trapped in the skin layers that have clogged up the body’s system of elimination. It’s internal cleansing includes parasite cleansing and liver detoxification which results in less body fluid retention, reduced inflammation, improved memory, greater bladder control, a more balanced PH, a stronger immune system and significant pain relief, including headaches, gout and arthritis pain.

As believed in Reflexology, each foot is actually a channel, a conduit through which your body attempts to cleanse itself of toxic waste and heavy metals that are building up in many parts of your body. During the foot bath, you will actually see the cleansing process take place as the water interacts with a compound electric current and magnetic field structure. This body cleansing process results in the correct frequency required for cells to return to a healthy state and to release waste that has been bonded to them over the years. This detoxification therapeutic procedure also enhances the effects of other therapies.

The detox process is done by immersing your feet in warm water. You will immediately see the water starting to change color as toxins are released from your body. The suggested protocol for adults is to detox every other day for 12 sessions. You may see the excreted toxins including parasites, in the water. The water may change color and consistency from orange brown to black – due to the release of toxic substances through the 2000 pores on the sole of each foot. Many different colors and objects may appear in the water during a treatment: yellow-green, orange, brown, black, dark green, white foam, white cheese like particles, black flecks, red flecks, bubbles of different colors and brown particles.

What is the significance of each color? Believe it or not, it is important to eat a variety of colorful foods in order to assure a balanced body chemistry.

Every color is a chemical and has a chemical value. Chemical components of foods contribute to their acid-alkaline balance. As a general rule, Green Foods nourish the immune system, especially the gall bladder and liver. Red Foods nourish the endocrine system, including the pituitary gland as well as the heart and small intestines. Orange Foods nourish the joints. Yellow foods nourish the digestive system, including the spleen, stomach and pancreas. Yellow-GreenFoods nourish the kidney, bladder, urinary tract and female/prostate area. Brown Foods nourish the circulatory system, kidneys, liver, gallbladder and bladder. White foam indicates mucous from lymph. White cheese-like particles indicates probably yeast. Black flecks indicate heavy metals. Red flecks indicate blood clot material. By the same token, when the water is changing colors, each color represents the part of the body that is being detoxified. One of the most visual effects is the discoloration of the water, but while the color changes in the water can be dramatic, it is not the most important factor and one must be careful about making any judgments based on the water color.

Water, salt and the metal in the unit interact with each other to produce ions. These ions will neutralize everything they come in contact with including toxins that are in tap and filtered water. Depending on geographical locations, approximately 20-40% of what you see in the water comes from “junk” in the water and the remaining 60-80% comes from the client’s body. The degree of detoxification will be reflected in symptomatic improvement, not water color change. Some waters do not change color (this has to do with the geographical region) and is not always an indicator of whether energy is being produced. In some geographical regions water may even change color without any body parts present in the water. The water color change without body parts has to do with the combination of industrial and chemical pollutants common to those areas.

Healing Benefits – The human body is electric including our cells. Disorders and disease have vibrational frequencies that are incompatible with healthy cells and they disrupt the cell’s natural oscillation and polarity. The disruption creates imbalance within each affected cell. When cells are in an imbalanced state they are unable to facilitate the body’s functions needed for healing, as well as discharging heavy metals, parasites and other toxins. When cells are fully charged, they have more oxygen and the results can be astonishing. Studies show that an overall balancing effect occurs, along with a significant increase in the number of negative ions. Ions are atoms or molecules that have lost or gained electrons. (Free radicals are unpaired electrons). If the atoms or molecules lose electrons, they become positively charged ions. If they gain electrons, they become negatively charged ions. The ionic technique of cleansing through the feet provides a full body purge of all the vital organs resulting in reduced menopause symptoms, menstrual cramps, sexual health problems, skin problems, acne, sleep problems, restlessness, stress, toothaches, vaginal dryness, wrinkles, candida and yeast infections.

Major benefits include:

Liver Detoxification

Purge Heavy Metals

Increase Energy & Reduce Stress

Internal Cleansing with Full Body Purge

Improved Sexual Health

Significant Pain Relief

Improved Memory

Improved Sleep

Liver, Kidney & Parasite Cleanse

Wrinkle Reduction

Acne and Skin Problem Relief

Relief of Joint Pain (e.g. Arthritis)

Reduced Water Retention

Warning! People with the following conditions SHOULD NOT consider foot baths: Persons with a Pacemaker or any other battery operated electrical device, Organ Transplant Recipients, Persons with Epilepsy, Pregnant Women, Breast Feeding (Nursing) Women, Children Under the Age of Eight (8), Hypoglycemic Persons should eat before a session. Persons with an open wound should heal fully before a session.

Chi Machine Therapy

Chi Machine can offer benefits of aerobic exercise without stress or impact on the joints. Although passive aerobic exercise does not increase the heart rate or burn as many calories as true aerobic exercise, you can still enjoy many other remarkable aerobic benefits such as increased circulation, oxygenation of the blood, and movement of the lymph fluids, which can be beneficial to the immune system. The gentle lateral movement of the machine causes your body to move back and forth which in turn can promote loosening of the joins in the hips and spine and relaxation of the muscles in the back.

This post is strictly informational and is not meant to replace the advice of your doctor. Women’s Life Link, its authors, owners, associates, and Natural Rejuvenation do NOT claim this procedure cures or treats any disease or injury. It assists the body to re-balance itself and stimulates the body for self-detoxification. In turn, the body organs will naturally function better and will make your feel young and vibrant again.

You can win this amazing wellness therapy valued at $50!

Just leave a comment telling us what area of your health you would like to improve.  You will be entered to win this combo therapy from Natural Rejuvenation of Indianapolis.

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For more details on the Grand Re-launch event and the giveaways, check out this post.


About Dr. Terri

Terri Hawkins is a Doctor of Naturopathy and holds her Ph.D. in Nutritional Science. She is a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP) and registered as a Naturopath through the Department of Health Office of Professional Licensing. In addition, she holds her National Certification in Colon Hydrotherapy through the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy. In March 2010 she served on the board for the re-writing of the National Board Testing. She also holds a Board position on the National Colon Hydrotherapy Board as Secretary Treasurer. She is a graduate of Hypnotherapy through Guild and Advanced Hypnotherapy through the Institute of Mindsight Consultants Cognitive Behavior Sciences. She has studied Mind/Body Medicine and extensive medicinal treatments in the physical and emotional aspects of health. Terri has spent years researching, developing, and putting into practice her expertise. She has written for various health magazines and publications, and is in constant pursuit of advanced medical sciences.

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One comment

  1. Anyone who would like to improve their overall health and well being may stand to benefit from detoxification. Nice job, it’s a great post. The info is good to know!

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