Home / Beautiful Women / Meet Diet And Exercise Expert Gabrielle Maston

Meet Diet And Exercise Expert Gabrielle Maston


Get inspired by one of Lannah Sawers-Diggins’ talent finds! Day 12 of the New You In 31 Days Challenge brings a candid interview with one of Australia’s diet and exercise experts, Gabrielle Maston. Visit her website where you will find a treasure trove of wellness info to empower your life. While you’re there, order one of her books to help you on this important self-improvement journey!

Please join in the challenge at any time, no need to go back to the beginning, just come as you are! But, if you want to see what we’ve been up to, the links to all of this month’s posts are on the homepage. Good luck with all of your “new you” endeavors! Don’t forget to post some comment love for Lannah and Gabrielle!



Getting away from the world of entertainment this time and delving into health, wellness and fitness.

42585Please meet another amazing, multi-talented lady who is a past victim of bullying who is rising above her experiences to successfully reach for the stars.

Welcome the indomitable, Gabrielle Maston.  She is a TV presenter, a columnist for Channel 7’s That’s Life Magazine, a dietitian, an exercise physiologist, health coach, mentor dietitian, personal trainer, club manager and more.  And,  she looks great and is a lovely person to top it all off! She prides herself on being organised and studious – a perfectionist carries her through life. She developed a love for food and cooking through her formative years and, along with everything else, she also runs her own nutrition and exercise business.

The lovely thing is that Gabrielle has always been involved in sports and eaten healthy food. It all shows, too.  She has always seen the human body as fascinating and found it a natural progression to serve in the health and wellness industry. She simply doesn’t know any other way.  “What I do doesn’t feel like work and  comes easy to me.”  Gabrielle adds that she often finds it hard to believe she is making a living from it.  It’s who she is – both professionally and personally.

Asked about her affiliation with Channel 7’s That’s Life Magazine, Gabrielle answers very simply that it was an awesome outcome from her blog, Recipes for the Weekend Warrior. “It addresses current diet and exercise trends” along with  personal experiences.  After the Assistant Editor for That’s Life searched for a dietitian to help with a project they were running, she was approached. They liked her; she liked them, and she has been writing for them since.  “I thoroughly enjoy working with the That’s Life team. They are always so positive and very empowering to women.”

Though Gabrielle doesn’t have any specific inspirations, she does respect senior dietitians in her industry for their wealth of knowledge.  “Celebrities don’t impress me,” she says, “I don’t live their lives – I live my own.”  What does impress her is her own ability to achieve things that she never thought possible.

GABRIELLE MASTON BC IIIIn her “spare” time she loves walking her dog, spending time with her boyfriend and travelling. She keeps busy for sure. A typical weekend includes, “a run or swim, a visit to the markets and lunch at a funky café.”

Before all of her success in the health and fitness industry, Gabrielle was a victim of bullying several times throughout her life.

The worst experience taking place at her last place of employment, where she actually left work a few times in tears.  “It was really awful – due to personal circumstances it was difficult to leave, so I had to stick it out for the duration.”  Which, as Gabrielle adds, was a terrible position to be in.  When asked if she feels the governments and schools around the world are doing enough to try to combat this problem, she admits that she is not sure it is a government problem.  “I do think it’s a way society has developed over time – a lot of people seem to have a sense of entitlement and over developed egos.  How this trend developed, I don’t know.”

GABRIELLE MASTON BC IIGabrielle feels family is responsible for raising children to be respectable members of society- those who treat people properly.  “It comes from feeling loved, valued and supported.”  She adds, “It’s not something you can teach at schools – nor is it something that the law can enforce.  It has to come from parents, instilling moral values and ethics into their children.  Bullies naturally have a poor sense of self-esteem and an over-developed sense of entitlement. It is a way to express their own negative personal experiences.”  She doesn’t feel it has anything to do with the victims of the bullying themselves.

Gabrielle believes organisations should not have employment laws that prevent bullies from being removed and reprimanded for their actions.  “Companies and their employees should be protected via legislation, to enable them to remove these people.  In addition, awareness campaigns for bullying could aid to bring this matter to light and hopefully work as a preventative measure.”  Definitely food for thought.

GABRIELLE MASTON BC IAsked about her writing and how many books she has published, Gabrielle mentions that she has self-published three e-books on nutrition.  “Each book has been a long process – my latest one is a sports nutrition recipe book. I am extremely happy it’s almost finished!”

For the future, Gabrielle sees herself as an international presenter and holding more media space.  She loves performing, public speaking and sharing knowledge.  As she says, it really would be the best way to spread the word about health and fitness to the masses – thereby helping people to get healthy in a seamless, fun way. And, on a personal level, she wants to compete in a few triathlons as she starts a new book – just not sure of the topic yet.

Her message to the world?  “Nothing good ever came without sacrifice – so go out and do something challenging.”

Visit Gabrielle’s website
Buy Her Books
Facebook Fan Page

About Lannah Sawers-Diggins

I am a married Mum from Western Australia and while I do work part time for a dietitian, I am also a published author in my own right. Along with being a photographer and journalist – and lots of other things. I am passionate about life – while I am middle aged I do feel that I am ageing backwards – most of the time. Most of my life I have just been ‘coasting along’ – almost veging, I guess – up until a few years ago when I had an ‘epiphany’. I suddenly found myself being ‘forced’ to do something I have always wanted to do – but never known how to. Have books published. Seriously, how do you have books published? For many reasons I pursued this and some years later have two published titles to my name and currently working on four more. The research for three of them is something I am absolutely thriving on – can’t get enough. Yes, I have my hiccups but generally just look at them, think of another way, go around and on. Onward and upward. In a word I absolutely love writing – I am passionate about it. To the stage where I am probably really painful about it.

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One comment

  1. I would like to Congratulate My Fellow “BEAUTIFUL WOMAN” Gabrielle Maston on being selected and featured here in Women’s Life Link Magazine for amazing contribution in the world by sharing wellness info that will empower people life physically and mentally.

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