While structured religious guidance can be a source for deeper spiritual grounding for many, there are other forms of practice that can bring helpful insight. …
Read More »Are You Lost In Woo Woo Land?
This is going to be a really touchy subject here. I don't want to make enemies, but I do want to make a strong point. I know what it means to get lost in "Woo Woo" land. I've been there, and I've been stuck there. The problem is that, while you are there, you don't see how far away from living in the physical world you've come. Let me clarify what I'm talking about.
Read More »The Power Of Faith
Unhappy in my own skin for many years, I would wake up every day virtually paralyzed by my own fears. I would be tormented by the possibility that people would discover I was a fake; that I wasn’t whom I pretended to be. The persona I projected was this happy, fun-loving, care free, extremely funny girl who acted as though she had the world at her feet. But behind the happy mask that I wore for so many years was a deeply depressed and dependent soul, searching to be loved. I would drink to feel good about myself and suppress the pain, but after a while the numbing effects didn’t work. I became depressed and fearful all the time. My mask was gone.
Read More »Our Stories
Many of the thought leaders today talk about the story(s) we tell ourselves to get along, to survive, to feel better. As a writer, this resonates because I have always told stories and written scripts. I would like to invite you today to consider looking at the idea of what stories you tell yourself and why/what role these stories occupy in your life. Do they complement or contaminate your life – given the path you are on spiritually, is it possible that these stories are no longer necessary?
Read More »The Not Place
There is a place I have come upon recently, a land unlike any others I have visited either in Spirit or in the natural world. I have named it the Not Place, for it simply is not anything. It is a place of Being in between the space of Creation and Manifestation, just to the left of Limiting Beliefs.
Read More »Puzzled
I have found the one thing that I believe is the key to lasting peace and happiness: Living in the puzzle pieces of my life. You see, for a long time I would constantly think (live) in the past or in the "Big Picture" of my future. The result of that method often left me depressed about what I was missing or anxious about what could be. Don't get me wrong, I'm a believer in planning for the future and creating it through intention, thankfulness, and action, but that dwelling on the future "maybes and could bes" is where I had to learn a hard lesson by drawing a line in my own life. I realized I had been even thinking back to past situations and actually trying to solve the issues or reenact the event in my mind...that's insanity! The thing is...I'm not the only one who does or did this. It's an epidemic of insanity!
Read More »Stepping Into My Destiny
Stepping Into My Destiny I am Stepping, stepping into my destiny – leaving the past behind, Who I was only a memory, I am NOW visible everpresent in my life,
Read More »The Buddha Bowl
How do you express your wishes to whom or whatever you hold faith in...Universe/Source/God? How do you express your gratitude? Have you ever considered that those expressions are imperative? About 7 years ago on a visit to one of my oldest and dearest friends, we went to a pottery painting place. They had all kinds of pieces that you could paint to your liking and then they would glaze and fire them. Generally they were ready for pick up within a week. It was a great evening, filled with laughter,paint, and messy hands!
Read More »From Nowhere To Now Here
It is so interesting how words wrap themselves into meanings simply by the way that they are spelled. Coming as we all do from our own unique inside spaces, how does it feel when you think to yourself of being ‘nowhere’? Does it denote a positive memory or experience or is it more an experience of lack and limitation? Does the concept of ‘nowhere’ evoke a sense of nothingness, blankness in the spirit?
Read More »Keeping A Sharp Creative Mind And Spirit
There are so many cliches flying around where creativity and mental ability are concerned. For example: "Practice makes perfect," or "If you don't use it, you'll lose it," or "Just do it," or "Invention is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." Well, though all of these sayings have there place and a sense of truth all their own, sometimes we just need someone to tell us what to do to makes something better. I'm going to share some tips that I use to keep my mind and spirit sharp, so when I want to be creative, I am on point.
Read More »Message From The Future
Another amazing video came to my attention today. The following message is universal and powerful. No matter what your spiritual beliefs are, you can glean from the content. I felt so peaceful and full of joy after watching it....something I need right now. As a woman who cares about helping others and sharing quality resources to my readers, I had to post it!
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