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Tag Archives: womens creativity

Quality Sleep And Creativity

To my personal dismay, I have never been a person who sleeps well most of the time. Because of this fact, I have suffered in many ways, including the implementation of creative endeavors. Though I do manage to work through most creative projects...eventually, I know and understand the difference between that which flows after a good night's sleep and the polar opposite that comes following a restless night.

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Releasing Creativity…In a Really Fun Way

I'm always on the look out for ingenious ideas to help release creativity. One trend I've noticed lately involves groups of people getting together at a local bar, restaurant or designated studio to explore a specific creative medium. There is one in Indianapolis called Wine & Canvas.

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Simple Tip For Greater Creativity

A quick tip on Creativity from John Maxwell. One of my favorite motivational teachers...

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Be An Artist Of The Soul

artist of the soul

Creating the life you desire is in itself a true miracle. Understand, I don't say this lightly. It's not that obtaining real, lasting happiness is as sparsely experienced as we think miracles are these days. On the contrary, it's time to start thinking about what miracles really are and how often we dismiss the possibility of seeing them in our own lives.

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Creativity Key: Be A Mentor

I heard a saying once that really resonated with my personal experience as a creative person, it says: "If you want to master something, teach it." There are many reasons why this profound truth adds value to your life. The first being that when you focus on the integral parts of any creative endeavor, as you do when you show someone how to do something, you are building a stronger foundation for yourself.

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Five Creative Lessons Learned From Children

Watching a child play, learn, and just be free is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have. And not just for the entertainment value but for the lessons you can glean from his/her unhindered actions. I know as a mom it's sometimes difficult to find time to be still and soak up these profound events, but when I do, it's SO worth it! I've compiled some thoughts about how watching and understanding the child's heart can move us into higher levels of our own creativity.

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Women’s Creative Journey

I've been brainstorming since the January 1 about how I'm going to define and brand myself as a life coach and counselor to women. To say, "I'm a life coach" is not definitive enough to let the world know who I really am as a coach. One of the things that keeps coming up for me is the fact that I've always been an extremely creative woman.

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