6 Fashionable Ways To Dress Smart

How you dress suggests a lot about you, including personality, intelligence, and social abilities. When it comes to looking intelligent, there are a variety of fashionable ways to dress smart. Whether you’re going for a sophisticated business look, or want to look brainy in casual wear, here are some tips to get you started.

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5 Savvy Ways To Execute A Promotion With Power And Grace

Landing a promotion can be a challenging ordeal to go through. That said, just wait until you are in your new position and the fireworks really fly! This can be terrifying and, for a lot of people, overwhelming to the point of debilitating stress. It's important to take a breath and look at the situation logically. After all, you got this promotion because your employer has confidence in your abilities. Don't second guess yourself now. Here are some tips to execute a promotion with power and grace.

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4 Tips To Achieve Work And Personal Life Balance For The Busy Woman

You’re a parent, spouse, friend, daughter, employee or even a business owner. Can you really wear all those hats successfully without succumbing to stress and neglect of important people and matters? There are some amazing women out there who somehow manage to do just that. I would be lying if I said that I was that woman all the time. Yes, I've failed at work and personal life balance and failed miserably. I also learned that hating myself for those times doesn't help. What does help is good old-fashioned knowing the problem, seeking options, and action to change it.

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3 Big IT Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make

You’ve crafted your business model, built your team, and studied the principles of business. You’re ready to embark on your adventure but lack one thing: experience and technical know-how regarding IT systems. No matter if you’re a monster biz like Google or a simple Ma and Pa bakery, you need IT to thrive and survive in business. To help you avoid missing out on the benefits of technology, here are 3 big IT mistakes entrepreneurs make.

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5 Top Stress-Busting Actions You Can Do Today

How do we take back control of our lives and put stress behind us? I just had an 1.5 hour conversation with my integrative doctor about this very topic. Stress is a killer...literally. Managing stress levels goes a long way to help your life, specifically, your physical and mental health. The fortunate thing is that simply making a few small changes to your lifestyle will help curb stress and the body's response to it. Though I could talk about this topic for much longer, here are 5 top stress-busting actions.

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5 Good Reasons Why Walking Is The Best Gentle Exercise

I know many women who simply can't do the typical, popular video workouts. Honestly, at times, I am in that category of women who need something gentle but effective. Keeping fit doesn’t mean you have to nearly kill yourself at the gym or spend half your life on the treadmill. In fact, over-exercising can be just as bad for your body as not exercising at all. For this reason, I highly recommend a consistent walking routine that gets you moving more. I honestly believe it's the best way to gently get fit. Remember, before you start any new fitness program, consult your physician. Here are my top 5 reasons why walking is the best gentle exercise.

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4 Profitable Tips For Aspiring Marketing Professionals

You can be taught how to identify and profit from market trends. But, for much of business marketing, you have to learn by experiencing it first hand. Knowing how psychology affects your potential clients and customers is one of those things that comes from doing. I, for one, have learned a ton of tricks and profitable methods by failing forward. Yes, the trip can hurt a little, but it serves well in the long run. You can profit in your own business and take it a step further by doing work for others. Take a look at my 4 profitable tips for aspiring marketing professionals.

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6 Important Action Steps To Rock Any Business Event

Getting the company name out there is a number one priority for business owners all around the world. There are so many ways to do this that you can actually get overwhelmed with all the choices. And, while online marketing is extremely prevalent, sometimes hosting or attending an old-fashioned live business event could be exactly what you need. Live events also have different formats to consider including exhibitions, trade shows, seminars, and conferences. Whichever type of event you decide to either host, attend or exhibit at, be well prepared so you make the most of the occasion. Here are 7 important action steps to rock any business event.

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3 Common Places Where You Need To Clean Up Your Beauty Regime

With the number of beauty products most of us women use, if we are not careful, we could literally be poisoning ourselves. The vast majority of woman turn a blind eye to this fact because they love their products and what they do. That said, some of us are a little more leery of all the mysterious compounds that end up in everything from shower gel to foundation. I want what's best for my health and that of others, so you better believe I'm going to tell you to clean up your beauty regime!

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3 Major Things To Consider When Getting Advice

I've never met a woman who didn't need help from other people from time to time. That help often comes in the form of advice from the bestie or mom. The problem with taking advice all the time is that your best interest might not be winning out in the end. Opinions can be tainted with the personality and desires of the people giving them. It's important to make sure that you serve your needs and create happiness with the decisions you make. Here are 3 major things to consider when getting advice.

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3 Big Musts For Reaching Our Full Potential

It can be incredibly frustrating, even upsetting, to feel as though we aren’t reaching our full potential. Reaching our full potential can, however, be an elusive term and goal because there really aren't any absolutes. There aren't any magic spells or guide books to lead each of us to that holy grail. The fact is, though, our potential is far greater than most of us are willing to believe. Fortunately, there is a way to measure your state of being and whether you are moving in a positive direction. If you continue to learn and grow and make quality decisions that make you happy, I believe you are moving toward full potential.

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Business Software That Creates Profitability And Efficiency

Running a business can get chaotic. Juggling so many different things at once for a long period of time can create stress and overwhelm. I've often found that much of what businesses do can either be automated or done easier with the right software and technology. Believe it or not, there is business software that creates profitability and efficiency. You and your staff will need to learn the software, of course. However, with some practice, it will make things run a bit more smoothly around the office.

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5 Ways To Encourage Women To Be Leaders

Women’s lives can be busy with home, children, work, pets, and significant others. Self-care and reflection can slip through your fingers without awareness much of the time. It’s not surprising that many women shy away from leadership roles at work or in other organizations. After all, who needs the added stress? However, the world needs strong women to show up and share their unique abilities and gifts. So, how do we enable ourselves to lead more and still keep the balance? Furthermore, how do we encourage our daughters, sisters, friends, clients, neighbors and moms to fulfill their leadership potential? Here are my top 5 ways to encourage women to be leaders!

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Nail These 4 Online Business Cornerstones For Success

When starting an online business or adding systems to an existing one, there are some things you need to do. The level of competition online is so staggering, without the basics, there is not much hope for success. Before you get too far into things, you want to nail these 4 online business cornerstones for success.

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4 Stunning Ways To Show Confidence

Have you ever looked at a woman at the mall or while at a party and wondered what she has that makes her stand out so much? Women who show confidence in their appearance, abilities and social skills are usually perceived as more attractive by both men and women. The great news is that you can always improve your own self-confidence. Sometimes, all it takes is a little boost on the outside to get the inside to believe it. Here are my top 4 stunning ways to show confidence.

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