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3 Steps To Understanding Your Body And Healing Faster

I have had enough illness in my life to know that things don’t just show up overnight. In fact, illness and disease develop over a long period of time. It can actually be present in the body from birth or conception. By that, I mean that even children can have cellular imbalances and active disease even before they’ve lived one day outside the womb. This can happen when the DNA is damaged or lacking in some components.

Unfortunately, this fact can make understanding what is going wrong in the body that much more challenging. Doctors (and patients) often look for recent causes of pain and illness and completely ignore the long-standing condition of the body, mind, and spirit. However, I have found that the body speaks loud and clear about what’s happening. We simply need to listen and take the appropriate steps. Here are a few things I’ve learned along the way in my healing journey. They have helped me listen to my body and heal faster.

Acknowledge All Symptoms and Pain

In today’s modern, chaotic world, it’s so common to discount symptoms and pain and pop a pill to get relief. And though this is necessary at times for peace of mind and body, I don’t recommend doing it all the time. Masking symptoms and pain ultimately steer us away from what our bodies are trying to tell us. Imbalances and systemic toxins can hinder normal immune function and, therefore, cause pain and symptoms to show up when we least expect them to. Understand, there is a reason for everything that we feel.

I recommend being aware of what you’re feeling at all times. Write down the details as they unfold so you don’t forget them. This can be especially helpful when talking to your healthcare providers. It is also worth even more in solving the puzzle of what is actually going on in your body. This, in turn, allows you to focus your attention where it needs to go and assign energy and physical support accordingly.

Keep Asking Questions

After identifying and recording symptoms, it’s important to keep asking questions about your discoveries. In other words, don’t stop at “I’m feeling pain in my stomach.”. Instead, ask questions that bring more details and give insight into what could be happening. For example, you’ll what to be aware of what type of pain it is, when did it start, and what circumstance surrounded the onset of it. Having this information can help you to quickly understand more about what your body is saying.

I also don’t recommend doing all this simply to self-diagnose yourself. Yes, be aware and do your own research, but utilize the wisdom and experience of professionals when you can and is appropriate. I’m sure many of us have experienced looking up symptoms online only to diagnose ourselves with some terrible medical condition because we have one or two symptoms. The reality is that many diseases and conditions have similar symptoms. This is why finding core causes is so imperative for complete and lasting healing.

Use Resources to Gather Information

When we experience adverse symptoms or have been diagnosed with a certain condition, it’s important to understand everything you can about it. Of course, healthcare providers can be the main source, but don’t stop there. Seek out support and helpful tips from websites like CureRate and social media groups that are run by reputable people. 

I have learned so much from other people who experience the same things that I do or have. Yes, we are all different, but we also have much in common. Healing is a journey that takes knowledge, awareness, and support to complete. One thing that I always try to remember is that the body knows how to heal. We need only to give it what it needs and take away that which it does not. Given enough time, our bodies will heal themselves.

**** This post is strictly informational and is not meant to replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Women’s lifelink, its owners, administrators, contributors, affiliates, vendors, authors, and editors do not claim that this information will diagnose, treat, or improve any condition or disease.


About Madeline

Madeline is a mid-west mom of three who spends most of her time refilling ice trays and changing toilet paper...just kidding. She is a high school guidance counselor, all around funny gal, and a writer. Her first book, Be Happy Already!", is in the works.

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