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4 Ways Your Environment Impacts Mental Health

Mental health is complex because everyone is different, and there are many factors that affect it. Difficult life events and unresolved problems can be contributors to emotional turmoil, as well as constant stress. Though these things can resolve on their own, occasionally, they cause deeper mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. Another factor in keeping things steady is living and working in a healthful environment. To build your awareness, here are 4 ways your environment impacts mental health.

Your Environment Impacts Mental Health #1: Social Interaction

Social interaction is something that can impact your mental health in several ways. Too little exposure to others can be devastating to your mood, as so much of our lives are about our relationships. Unfortunately, anti-social behavior can be a cycle that isn’t easily broken if you’re already having mental health issues. The lack of motivation to get ready, to clean your home, to prepare to see people can make you say “no” every time.  It’s very important to have at least one trusted friend or family member to have your back if you get down. That way you won’t feel as shy or embarrassed if you aren’t yourself.

Your Environment Impacts Mental Health #2: Energy Flow

In alternative medicine, there is a focus on energy flow and how it impacts your well being. It is believed that, by increasing the positive energy in your home, you can improve your general physical and mental health. One of the best ways to do this is through the ancient Chinese art of placement called, Feng Shui, which is why it’s an important part of the qigong healing energy practice. Feng shui expels negative energy, while encouraging positive energy flow and feelings of balance through organization and artful arrangements of household items.

Your Environment Impacts Mental Health #3: Organization

Keeping things organized is important if you’re trying to relieve stress and feel comfortable in your environment. Clutter can create a chaotic sense of imbalance and even cause anxiety, making it difficult to relax. For example, you come home from work and just want to have a nice dinner. You know healthy eating is important to you, but if you have a messy, disorganized kitchen, you’re far more likely to eat quick, unhealthy snacks. Ultimately, if this scenario is habitual, it is going to affect your physical and mental health.

Additionally, a messy, disorganized house makes it harder to stay on top of your work and hobbies, creating stress and a sense of failure. Needless to say, feelings of dispair and shame can cloud your self-worth and happiness.

Your Environment Impacts Mental Health #4: Physical Health

Your physical and mental health impact one another in an ongoing cycle. Therefore, if your physical health suffers, your mental state could be compromised due to fear, worry, or confidence issues. Just as this is true, if your mental state is poor, you are not likely to make positive choices for your physical health.

If you’re feeling down and haven’t been taking care of yourself or your home, things will just spiral from there. You are more likely to get sick of your environment is dirty and ill-maintained. 

About Madeline

Madeline is a mid-west mom of three who spends most of her time refilling ice trays and changing toilet paper...just kidding. She is a high school guidance counselor, all around funny gal, and a writer. Her first book, Be Happy Already!", is in the works.

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