Home / Making Life Rock / Best of Fortunate Friday
Since this is the first day of my childrens' Spring Break, I wanted to spend a little extra time with them. Because I am truly fortunate to have their beautiful souls in my life, I am going to take a breather from writing a new article today and connect you to some of my favorite posts from past Fortunate Fridays. And here they are...take your pick or read them all!

Best of Fortunate Friday


Since this is the first day of my childrens’ Spring Break, I wanted to spend a little extra time with them.  Because I am truly fortunate to have their beautiful souls in my life, I am going to take a breather from writing a new article today and connect you to some of my favorite posts from past Fortunate Fridays.  And here they are…take your pick or read them all!

♥The Most Important Things In Life

♥The Law of Attraction



I just took a nice break with the Missy Moo (toddler girl) playing under-the-sheet tent and snuggling.  I enjoyed being completely present in this beautiful moment.  The transfer of love was so fulfilling, and even more so when I watched her cuddle, kiss, and love her baby doll in a similar way that I did her.  It’s a wonderful life. 

Photo by Rough Diaamond

About Kellie R. Stone

"I make no excuses for my diverse roles as a Rock Your Feminine Type Coach™ and Branding Expert, best-selling author, and crime thriller novelist. Yes, I do still chuckle a bit at the irony. I kick ass as a women’s biz coach by day and kill off vulnerable fiction characters at night. What the hell, it makes for some interesting dreams. I believe that everyone should pursue their passions no matter how out there they seem to be. One of those pure heart-fluttering passions for me has always been writing. Since I did, indeed, chase my dream of being a writer, I've published two non-fiction books in the self-development genre, co-authored an international best seller, and now I'm finally pushing my much-too-old-to-be-in-the-nest novel out the door and into the world. My whole world is empowering and I adore showing others how to live life unfiltered, whether I do that through the written word or my coaching work. I love my job!" ~Kellie R. Stone

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One comment

  1. Enjoy your time with your kids!!!

    Thanks for leaving us something to read. 🙂

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