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Intention Deficit

Feature Photo by Staring and Thinkingdrtricia

A perfect introduction to my topic today is my introduction – I was listening to Dr. Oz, I think, and one of his guests made a comment, I think, which definitely got my attention and I made a note somewhere to remember it in order to write about it later.  What a mouthful yet it illustrates my point perfectly – the idea was a play on words and the idea of ‘attention deficit disorder’ – the guest talked about having today in our world, ‘intention deficit disorders’.

It struck me at every level of consciousness and I realized that he indeed was right!  We are all, for the most part, ‘intentionally deficient’ – we have a lack of serious follow through on our intentions – to further play with this, we always intend to have, to set, to follow through on intentions yet so very often we do not even get to the first step – setting the intention, so we lack the attention to put into our intention(s).

I am sure now that you are fully confused, but just keep with me here and hopefully all will become clear.  Regardless of where we and those in our spheres of influence are/are not with regard to spirituality, we are all aware of the serious capacity of our minds to create our lives.  The idea of consciousness today is a byword for the times we live in as well, the present moments in which we create daily both our inner and outer experiences.

So very often we get caught up in the beliefs where we say I want, I don’t have, I need, I can’t and all the contractions which I refer to as Can’t Consciousness – these simple yet oh so very powerful words put us into both an internal and external state of lack on all levels.  These very words actually stop our brains from moving forward into the process of manifesting all that follow the contractions.  When our brains stop, as we well know, our life stops – we have effectively pulled our own plugs and shut down all further life functions.

All this occurs because we are in that state I first described as ‘intention deficit disorder’.  To create or set an intention, we must by universal law, be fully present and conscious of our desire – heed these words, we must by universal law, be fully present and conscious of our desire –  that means we must be in a state of recognition and honesty with ourselves of our situation such as financial resources being in a non-optimal state at the moment – that awareness is completely different than being in a state of lack as when we use the language of Can’t Consciousness.

We are not in any way trying to fake or trick ourselves into believing what is untrue, we are recognizing and acknowledging what is known to be true without the labels we are trained to wrap around our lives and our language.   We exist, our lives exist, our bank accounts are lower than we would like – period – that is how the Universe sees it – not as lack, so if we can become honest with ourselves and use language that accurately depicts our situation, we are then ready and able to set intentions which can be made manifest according to our truest beliefs and desires. Intentions are a valuable, wonderful resource when we are aware how and why we use them; they are also deadly when misused, misunderstood and misapplied.

Words are worlds, create our worlds and destroy our worlds – don’t you think it is about time examine our words and see in truth what our words have created in our lives?




About Dr. Tricia Working

Atlanta native, speaker, and writer, Dr. Tricia Working brings a cadre of experience and expertise to her work both spiritually & within mainstream America. She has over ten years of experience with the Georgia legislature, seven years experience in shelter management, and fifteen years education. She founded Paws for Thought Animal Foundation in 1993 & currently serves as President of the Southern Regional Business Council & Director of Public Relations for the Hope of Humanity Foundation.

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  1. Sheri, so sorry I did not see this before – I think if we are honest we all suffer from this at some point, thank goodness it is easily remedied – if I can support u in it, let me know.
    Dr. Tricia

  2. Great topic and well written and oh so true….thanks for the reminder that this does exist and that it’s almost an epidemic….sad but true…Thanks for shedding light…..makes me realize that I am truly a sufferer of this disorder…..:)

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