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Tag Archives: career planning

4 Quality Growing Opportunities In Healthcare

The healthcare industry continues to grow every year, making it a prime opportunity for just about anyone. One reason for the popularity is that there …

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3 Male-Dominated Fields Women Can Rock

Deciding on a career or job in school is not always an easy task. However, some students know their direction and where they will be …

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4 Musts To Succeed As A Technopreneur

The rise of technology - especially the internet - has allowed more and more people to become entrepreneurs. This is quite simply a by-product of accessibility. And, the more online biz owners there are, the more need there is for people with savvy technical skills. Thousands have put themselves out there as the go-to companies for IT, security, repair, web development, design, and online marketing help. Unfortunately, many fail because they aren't prepared with basic business knowledge. So, before you jump in with both feet, be a smart business owner to succeed as a technopreneur. Here's a list of 4 musts to achieve the success you are after.

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Is A Career In Medicine For You?

Have you always wanted to help people or dreamed about being a doctor or nurse? If so, you are not alone. It’s a popular aspiration, particularly in light of the high salaries and status that some medical professionals enjoy. But how do you really know if this type of work is right for you? I have to admit, that even at 50, I've considered getting into functional medicine because of my passion for health. Although the rewards could be great, it takes years of hard work and a lot of money to achieve these goals. It's definitely something to consider carefully by weighing all of the pros and cons.

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5 Ways To Impress A Potential Employer

It’s both nerve-wrenching and exciting to attend an interview, especially when it’s a job you really want. You must find a way to compose these extreme emotions and get across that you are the woman for the job. Easier said than done...right? I understand. I've been on many interviews in the past and have had to calm my nerves in order to bring out my best. Here are my top five ways to impress your potential employer and land that dream job.

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6 Get Ahead Action Steps To Sky Rocket Your Career

After you have scored that stellar new job, you need to show them what you've got in the position so you can stand out. To get ahead, you must have a drive of excellence, competence, and flexibility. Your boss is watching, and, likely, his or her boss is watching. Before anything we talk about here, be proactive at finding out exactly what is expected of you and do those things to the best of your ability. If you want to excel quickly, here are 6 get ahead action steps to sky rocket your career!

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3 Workplace Myths That May Be Hurting Your Productivity

The common workplace is inundated by dozens of horror stories, myths and rules. From bosszillas to unfair treatment, from multitasking and burn out to friendships, and even office romances, the office experience is almost like an epic battle tale or scandalous soap opera. A place that some people cringe a little when they think about it, wondering which stories they will dare to share with their grandkids. It all makes you wonder if the typical office "laws" and expectations are fair and do they really make you work more efficiently? The fact is, some of the "you must do this or this will happen" rules are not always beneficial and should be considered by every woman who works outside of the home. Here are a few office myths that may be hindering your productivity.

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Boxes and Molds

The proverbial box – how to fit into it; the mold of expectation – how to conform.   Truthfully, we spend way too much time being …

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The Best Interview Strategies: Part IV

Interviewing for a new job can be one of the most stressful events in your life - unless you are prepared and confident about your ability to make a good impression. We have discussed your resume, personal appearance, and some communication techniques. Today, I would like to address the technique for interview damage control.

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The Best Interview Strategies: Part III

We have discussed being prepared for the interview with a killer resume and your head full of information about the company and its philosophies. Getting an interview is half the battle, but now you must step things up even more for the actual face-to-face with the person or people who can change your future. You want to stand out from the crowd of applicants that likely want the position as much as you do.

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The Best Interview Strategies: Part II

By this time most of you should be familiar with technology and its benefits, at least enough to type a resume and send an email. But regardless of how advanced modern job hunting can get, I still think it's smart to have good-old-fashioned copies of your resume. Start with a formatted version in a Word program; keep it simple and clean.

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The Best Interview Strategies: Part I

With many companies shifting financial priorities, laying off employees, and tightening their belts all around, it is imperative to be ready for anything, including the dreaded task of hunting down and securing a new job. Unfortunately, millions have already suffered consequences of the economy crunch and found themselves without a job.

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Office Health Risks

Every day, millions of women spend 8-10 hours sitting in an office chair or desk in order to do their job. They think about getting that last report done, calling that client, impressing the boss, but what they may not think about is how their job might be a health risk.

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How to Say No

Coupled with a pushover complex, our perceived ability to be superwoman can be more harmful than productive if we overwhelm ourselves with responsibilities that fit haphazardly into our schedules.

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Acting Your Age

Have you ever considered what it means to act your age? The actions, attitudes, and philosophies of each age group have become fuzzy in a world that produces more and more women who obliterate the mindsets of past generations. With 41-year-olds like Dara Torres winning Olympic medals and children like Miley Cyrus building financial empires well beyond the norm, who's to say what you shouldn't do at any age.

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