The stark reality of life can sometimes bring us to the point of confusion, desperation, and even self-destruction. Not to dwell on the negative, on the contrary, I want to share about the place that is on the other side of difficulties and tragedy - the place where you can look back and see that you were strong and brave.
Read More »Instant Health Boosters: Writing and Journaling
I can't tell you how many women I've known who have said, "I hate writing; I just don't know what to say." And though some of them may have been grammatically-challenged, I always encouraged them to give it a try. Writing for creative expression or simply to journal your ideas is not about being perfect or eloquant; it's about YOU and what's inside of YOU.
Read More »Facing Fears
Have you ever been in a place that just felt creepy; did you get goose bumps and swear that someone was watching you? Sometimes those feelings might have a valid source or they might just be your imagination. It's in this same way that we can concoct the most terrifying scenes in our minds concerning other life situations - again, our imagination. Fear actually brings in a serious influx of creativity - the scary kind.
Read More »Discouragement and Frustration: You Can Overcome Them
Women, especially, experience these troubling emotions when they see the ones they love hurting or in trouble. Our natural instinct to nurture and protect can be overwhelming; we are left wondering why no one sees our undying effort to make things better - can't they just stop screwing up already? And, when we can't change things quickly enough, it puts us into a heightened sense of frustration; I believe this is called motherhood or PMS.
Read More »Be True to Yourself
My mom died of cancer at the age of 52. That’s way too young! Why?? Through the years I have thought of her and asked God that question. Consequently, I now know why she went to an early grave. My dad was strong and authoritative, from the generation that taught him to be the head of the household and that the wife must submit to his every wish, while giving up her own desires and dreams.
Read More »The Wounded Child Within
How many of us have gazed into the mirror only to see ourselves at an earlier age, an age in which circumstances have left us in a drama of life that we were forever trying to forget; one that we thought we had buried, and yet time has brought forth the resurfacing of misdirected and scattered emotions – often those that have wounded and left us in a state of despair? Why is it we would choose to carry the burden of unpleasant memories rather than allowing them to be released with love and forgiveness, or at least understanding?
Read More »Anger Management
Anger Management Anger is like a destructive bacteria growing everywhere; it's in our homes, our workplaces, and every store we step foot into. You can't go anywhere these days without hearing a mom yell at her kids or witness a disgruntled driver flip the bird to an old lady who accidentally pulled out in front of him. In fact, you may have even been that mom or driver. Whether we are the ones who are angry or the recipients of the heated emotion, we can all honestly say that nothing good usually comes of it.
Read More »A Good Time to Change
Believe it or not, there's nothing that says let's make some changes like getting kicked in the face or being thrown down to the mattress with a month long bout of pneumonia. The fact is, pain and adversity have long been keys to some of the greatest triumphs in life has been no exception.
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