Detox Your Body Continued

This topic is so important for understanding how our bodies actually work, how they get healthy, and how they stay that way. We have a few more detoxing tips for you today.

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The Best Wellness Tips You’ll Ever Read: Part II

Welcome to Wellness Wednesday! We are continuing the series on Self-renewal today. Committing to achieving a better you in 2010 is in itself a "powerful health booster."

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Creative Thinking: Friend or Foe?

First of all, when you create, you take a chance that other people won't like your creation. You might get ridiculed for it, or even be hated. They might never speak to you again...or visit your blog.

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Natural vs Organic and Women’s Blogs to Love

I try to expand my personal blog roll every week by adding some interesting women's blogs. I've come across several that I think you will find either inspiring or informative as well.

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Indentifying Stressors

What is stressful to me may not be to you and visa-versa. That is why you always think Aunt Mary is overreacting when the family arrives at her home late for dinner.

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Do I Have Emotional Baggage?

Women know better than anyone what it feels like to carry around a big, heavy purse for any length of time. And if you're like me, such a bag is usually necessary to bring along all the things I need for my children and my own indulgences. Though physically we can handle extra weight (for awhile), we are not meant to carry around emotional baggage. What am I talking about? You know....really, you do. That job crisis you had last year; the fight you had with your husband; the breast cancer scare from three years ago; the rejection from sixth grade...

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Successful Redos and Second Chances

OK, just so we get this straight, I never promised you a rose garden. Redoing or using a second chance to make something right isn't always full-proof. It could take several.

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To Whom Should I Be Accountable ?

It's one thing to come up with a great plan to lead you to victory, but it's another to work that plan and keep it a priority. Being accountable to another person or group of people is one way to increase your chances of success.

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Resolve to Change in 2010

I remember my mom dragging me into a building that might as well have been hell itself, as far as I was concerned. It was just pre-school, however. I screamed all the way to my seat

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Dotoxing Tips from the Experts

New Year = New You...Right? Spring-boarding off of yesterday's post about self-renewal, let's talk about some physical things you can do to truly create a better, healthier you in the upcoming months.

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The Best Wellness Tip You’ll Ever Read: Part I

Well, today I want to look at one of the best wellness tips you are ever going to read on this site:

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Are You Drinking Yourself Fat?

It's that time again when women all over the world are thinking about how they will lose holiday weight or that which they've been carrying around longer than a few weeks.

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Meet Lina Natale

Women's Life Link would like to introduce a new friend, Lina Natale. We had the opportunity to meet while both attending a mutual friend's party this past fall. We instantly found common ground that kept us engaged in conversation for quite awhile. Read on for a closer look at this Beautiful Woman!

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Oranges: 10 Healthful Uses

Oranges have been a popular holiday gift for a long time. I can remember getting huge boxes full of fresh, Florida Valencias almost every year as a child. The only downfall was that many times we couldn't eat them all before they went bad.

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Giving, A Giveaway, and Giving Up

Be thankful for what you have: talents, possessions, people, love, and your influence are all blessings.

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