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4 Life-Changing Reasons To Go Back To School

I have to say, first, that higher education is important, however, it isn’t for everyone. So, this article is to remind us that the option is there if it makes sense to invest the time and money. I do know that some women go back to school to finish what they once started or to feel accomplished later in life. No matter what the reason higher education attracts you, just make sure you weigh the pros and cons before signing up. Let’s look more closely at some of those life-changing reasons to go back to school.

You Could Begin a New Career

Perhaps you are in a rut with your current job or career and want to make a big change. You might even want to pursue a dream that took a back seat to the demands of life. I know how that one goes…

Returning to school for a degree or specific training could set you up for a new career or transform the one you have. Many colleges have adult programs on campus and online to cater to those who are working and have families. I recommend starting your search for programs that suit your educational needs, budget, and timeline. Schools like Regis College Online can help you to enhance your knowledge and move closer to your career goals. Each school should have counselors available to help you work through the options and choose the best program for you.

Expand Your General Knowledge and Interests While Improving Health

Loving a particular topic or hobby is a part of living a happy life. Sometimes, however, simply loving something isn’t enough. Perhaps you really want to dig into a subject or even get a degree in it. This doesn’t have to be for a job or career either. This one can be for you alone. Learning and expanding our knowledge is good for our brains and overall health. In fact, studies show that continual brain stimulation as adults helps us stay young and improve cognitive function as we age.

Job Security

Job security isn’t what it used to be. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard of people getting “let go” so younger, more qualified candidates can take their place. This happens even more with older employees the closer they get to retirement. Continuing your education now might be a way to increase job security as you get older. I recommend consulting with your company to see if they offer tuition assistance, as well. Sending you back to school could benefit them as much as you. 

Also, should you need to look for another job, having a degree or specific skills will help you qualify for a better position. This means higher pay and likely more options down the road. Again, this is something you need to research and weigh out all the costs before you decide.

Gain Confidence and Make New Connections

After our youthful high school and college days comes the daily grind. Yeah, that day-to-day feeling that nothing will ever change. It can steal your joy, confidence, and motivation for success. Returning to school could fuel a new lease on life. It could be an opportunity to build on past dreams, self-esteem, and even help you meet new people.

Furthermore, it also shows those around you that it’s never too late to change or grow. Who knows, you just might inspire someone else to pursue their dream. This is also something that children need to see happen in their parent’s lives.

Though going back to a full-time program might not be for you or even possible, you can still learn and change your life. Consider checking out community colleges for courses of interest. Doing so could lead you to many life-changing experiences and connections. Have fun and keep moving forward!



About Madeline

Madeline is a mid-west mom of three who spends most of her time refilling ice trays and changing toilet paper...just kidding. She is a high school guidance counselor, all around funny gal, and a writer. Her first book, Be Happy Already!", is in the works.

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