There are all kinds of things that can negatively affect our sleep quality. One big culprit is the types of foods we eat – particularly …
Read More »4 Top Practices For Healthy Teeth And Gums
Good oral hygiene is not just about teeth. It’s also about your gums or soft tissue. Additionally, our oral health can have a tremendous impact …
Read More »4 Ways To Stay Healthier During Challenging Times
We obviously all know that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our world dramatically. And even with the vaccine rollout, some folks are choosing to still isolate …
Read More »4 Ways To Reduce Anxiety Naturally
Unfortunately, anxiety is prevalent in our culture due to overwork, poor diet, toxins, and other emotional pressures. In fact, a whopping 264 million people worldwide …
Read More »Clean Eating Made Easy: 4 Simple Changes To Make Today
The concept of clean eating has gained phenomenal momentum in our modern society. However, there are still plenty of people who haven’t got a clue …
Read More »Take Care Of Your Body With These 4 Life-Changing Tips
Taking care of your body is one of the most important things you will ever do in this life. A lifestyle of health, that so many think is unattainable, isn't elusive and difficult at just takes some determination. The determination to live longer, to enjoy life, to feel the life energy you were meant to have...every day of your life! We each have this opportunity to find this place that brings joy or we can let it slip away into an abyss of illness, pain, and despair. The contrast really can be that severe...I know because I've lived it. Here are some of my tips for finding and staying in that place of health and wellness.
Read More »Lose Weight On Vacation
A weight loss holiday is quite simply a holiday where relaxation is combined with weight loss and fitness goals. Generally they are less structured and extreme than fitness boot camps, but with a little more guidance and assistance on tap than a traditional spa break, with all the facilities and knowledgeable, well-trained staff ready to help you achieve that first step in adopting a healthier lifestyle, or to help assess and fine-tune any regimen already in place.
Read More »How Long Does It Take To Get Healthy?
I've been tossing around the question: How long does it take to get healthy? My gut tells me several things immediately; first, it depends on what level of health you are seeking and from what point you are starting. Because there are varying degrees of wellness, we have to pay attention to more specific goals in order to get a clear understanding of our progress.
Read More »Obesity Problem?
Every year we see more and more people become a part of the overweight/obese crowd. The reasons are somewhat obvious when you consider what it is that most humans eat on a regular basis.
Read More »Mind/Body Medicine
Prolonged fear, grief, helplessness, anxiety, anger, resentment, and other negative emotions can reduce the effectiveness of your immune system, nervous system, and endocrine system, thus increasing risk of cancer, as well as autoimmune, gut, and heart conditions.
Read More »Getting Healthy But Feeling Bad
I love how many health magazines depict the perfectly happy models jumping into the air after their five-mile runs and drinking their fruit smoothies. No's just the way the media is.
Read More »Grocery Bills, Great Snacks, and Getting Healthy
Shall we talk a little about food today? Just a few things a want to share. First, I have found a way to get all the food our family needs and save enough money to get better quality produce and meats. Those expensive organics are within reach.
Read More »The First 5 Things You Need to Do for Health
If each of us truly understood all the ins and outs of our bodies and what the different parts need to do and have for health, our brains would probably implode from all the information.
Read More »The Truth About Tea
Today, we have the pleasure of hearing from our own Dr. Lamse on the topic of caffeine and tea consumption. She gives her advice on the best ones for health and a few facts that you should know about what you're putting into your body when you drink these types of beverages.
Read More »What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
I'm REALLY upset about this one! Aspartame producer Ajinomoto chose to rebrand it under the name AminoSweet, to “remind the industry that aspartame tastes just like sugar, and that it’s made from amino acids – the building blocks of protein that are abundant in our diet.”
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