Human beings are social creatures who need each other to function, fulfill their goals, and grow in every area of life. However, no matter how …
Read More »5 Ways To Encourage Women To Be Leaders
Women’s lives can be busy with home, children, work, pets, and significant others. Self-care and reflection can slip through your fingers without awareness much of the time. It’s not surprising that many women shy away from leadership roles at work or in other organizations. After all, who needs the added stress? However, the world needs strong women to show up and share their unique abilities and gifts. So, how do we enable ourselves to lead more and still keep the balance? Furthermore, how do we encourage our daughters, sisters, friends, clients, neighbors and moms to fulfill their leadership potential? Here are my top 5 ways to encourage women to be leaders!
Read More »Be Your Best Supporter!
Do you know who your best supporter is? Is it a friend, a lover, a family member? I have discovered that, while it is beneficial and awesome to have friends and family who cheer us on, we need to have a healthful outlook toward ourselves and our lives as well. No matter what others say we can do and accomplish, until we believe in ourselves and our potential, we won't get too far. Other people can encourage us until they are blue in the face, but not reinforcing that encouragement with personal belief in the accolades or words of faith presented causes it to fall short of the positive intention.
Read More »Under The Leaves
A few days ago, while raking leaves, my cat loved attacking the rake. I laughed at the amount of joy that Mageara gained from this menial task I needed to finish. I enjoyed the task more because she did. Just as I began to pull in another pile of leaves and the cat jumped at the rake, I took delight in something else! I uncovered little white daisies. They were in full bloom, smiling up at me as if they had the secret to life. I laughed out loud at such a weird find in late fall. And then, of course, I took a picture! Several thoughts came to mind, which I want to share with you.
Read More »Everyday a Holiday!
Delight in each day! There is something that is going to happen today that should be celebrated. You woke up. Maybe you were able to witness the sunrise? Even if you did not see it, it happened and it was a magnificent painting of wonderment. Even if nothing out of the ordinary happens all day long there is going to be thousands of stars shining brightly down on you tonight asking you in a twinkle, "What will you do tomorrow?" "Which star will you wish on tonight"? "What will you be celebrating tomorrow?"
Read More »Dare To Love More
There is a song that says to live like there is no more tomorrow and love like you are on borrowed time... Time is so precious. We never know when our last breath will be. We all have people around us suffering in many different ways.
Read More »What’s Over The Rainbow?
Just felt like posting this... I've never really done a wordless Wednesday, but I guess this qualifies as my first.
Read More »What Motivates Me?
As I was "introspecting" myself, I really wanted to get in touch with what motivates me to keep going, to press through difficulties, to see the finish line...if there is one. The question is really an easy one for me to answer on some levels, but for the deeper issues, it's not quite as simple.
Read More »Take a Close Look
There comes a time in every woman's life when she has to take a close look at herself. Not at her circumstance, not at what she did, not how unfair life is, or at who made you do it. She has to just look at herself in all her glory and imperfection. Have you ever admired a woman who has been through changes in her life? Or have you made up in your mind that she is just messed up. Before you make this mistake, take a closer look.
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