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Tag Archives: future

3 Reasons To Be Hopeful About The Future

be hopeful about the future

There is a lot of doom and gloom in the news and media today. Just look at the internet or switch on the TV for …

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4 Places To Invest For Wealth Creation

invest for wealth creation

If you want to build the wealth needed to secure your future, it’s worth looking beyond your career income. Even if you’ve never thought about …

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3 Worthwhile Investments For Women To Consider

In this day and age, just putting money away in savings will not be sufficient to carry you through retirement. Yes, of course, it helps …

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3 Valuable Skills To Further Your Career

So, career development has exactly been smooth sailing as of late for much of the population. That said, this transitional time has offered some ample …

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Getting Started With Cryptocurrencies

getting started with cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies have been around for a while, but it’s still not a widely used practice. That said, it is gaining popularity. While spending your BitCoin …

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3 Important Tips For Buying Your First Home Alone

You’ve decided that it’s time to buy your first home, but, unlike most of your friends and family, you are single and have decided to …

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5 Newbie Trading Mistakes To Avoid

If you have decided to get involved in the world of trading, you may be feeling a bit hesitant or even terrified. One thing you …

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5 Booming Industries To Consider For Business

It’s never been easier to start a business, but do remember that not all businesses and industries are created equal. When starting your business, there …

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5 Things To Do Now To Improve Your Life In The Future

Most of us are so focused on taking care of business in the here and now that we are likely to place little focus on …

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Where Do I Fit Into The Changing Job Market?

As a savvy career woman, you obviously want to keep up with job trends and the ever changing market. Manual jobs are becoming fewer and farther …

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3 Tips For Surviving In A Future Business World

In case you hadn’t noticed, the economy and the job market change rapidly. Many of the staple industries of the past are antiquated and being …

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4 Ways To Get Back Up After Adversity Knocks You Down

Life is never simply a walk in the park. Obstacles and challenges make us duck, dodge, and dance our way through. And, sometimes, despite our effort to avoid adversity, disaster strikes. When it happens, it can create a lack of self-confidence, among other personal problems. Trust me, I understand getting kicked in the teeth and thrown to the ground of life. At times, the only thing you have to hold onto is a thin thread. That said, even a small connection to life and your inner strength can get you through. Remember, being down is never the end as long as you get back up after adversity strikes.

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Remember the good old days? Those years when you went to primary school, hung around with your mates, did what you parents told you to do, went to high school, thought about what you wanted to do; there were a few choices back then. Would you go to University or would you go to Tech School, would you pursue a career or a trade? Or, hey, what if you wanted to bum for a while and take a year long travel hiatus then come back and get a job… it was all possible.

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