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Tag Archives: inner journey

What Is Hope?

There is record of the word hope in English, though in varying form, dating back to before the twelfth century and even earlier in Hebrew. I have a good feeling that even before there was a word, there was an action- a longing, an expectation, an anticipation. It's like the human equivalent of an animal's instinct- a built in feature. Not to say that animals don't hope and humans don't have instinct. It could be that both of these things are interchangeable and innate with all life. We need hope to live, thrive, and find our purpose. That is why I am thankful to

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Stalkers…Where You Least Expect

There isn't much anyone can say to comfort someone who is being stalked. Terror and the fear of the unknown dominate the thoughts of a woman who knows someone is there watching, waiting, and looking for an opportune time to pounce. The only real relief comes when the perpetrator is stopped by the law or other means. I've said all this to paint a picture of a problem that I believe is just as serious and causes similar negative actions. I'm talking about being stalked by your own self-doubt, fear, and negative beliefs. Please hear me out...

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How Do I Refocus My Life?

Have you ever just been stuck on one question? Does it have the word "why" in it? We humans tend to want to know why everything happens, especially when things aren't good. Realizing that we may never know "why" is truly a revelation, a relieving one at that.

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