Remember the story of Goldilocks and the three bears? Just like Goldilocks, we question things in our lives. We test things. Taking a look at our lives is something we can forget to do with day-to-day stress. Goldilocks did not just know which porridge was the right porridge. She tested each bowl. Now, I won't get into the fact that she broke in the Bear's home in this story that might presently be banned from many schools because it promotes criminal behavior... Nonetheless, she tested which porridge was too hot, too cool and just right.
Read More »Brain Fog Fixes
Do you ever wake up and simply cannot get your brain to operate with clarity? I do. There are many things that can cause this type of physical dysfunction, including, lack of sleep, poor diet, stress, toxins (alcohol, medications, food additives, etc.), allergies, internal conflict, and the list goes on. And, depending on the severity of the condition, it could hinder creativity, work, home life, relationships, and even other body functions.
Read More »Why Am I Gaining Weight?
Let's face it, weight problems are not fun. I've never been obese, but I have struggled with fluctuating weight my whole life...well, except when I was a kid and was constantly moving.
Read More »Indentifying Stressors
What is stressful to me may not be to you and visa-versa. That is why you always think Aunt Mary is overreacting when the family arrives at her home late for dinner.
Read More »How Do I Simplify My Life?
I've known some women who are innately simple and others who are the polar opposite...complicated. I, myself, am somewhere in the middle. I like challenge, but when things get too hard, I tend to drop activities like the proverbial hot potato.
Read More »Elements of Relaxation
Water, Air, Fire, and Earth - everything we are, everything we touch, and everything we need is made up of at least one of these 4 elements. It's no wonder that we feel safe, warm, and relaxed while in their presence.
Read More »Pain In the Neck
Most women, at some time in their lives, experience neck pain. Though there are many causes for the pain that can sometimes be debilitating, the most common ongoing culprits are poor posture and positioning of the head while doing tasks like computer work and reading. Trust me; I know. I have suffered from chronic neck problems since my early adulthood.
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