Whether you’re a social media manager, work in the communications department of a business, or own your business, interacting with the core consumer market is …
Read More »6 Powerful Stress Busters To Implement Now
In considering what to do to beat stress, you must consider how bad stress is for your health. Yes, a little stress is normal and may …
Read More »6 Surprising Health Benefits Of Chewing Gum
I picture Frenchy, in the movie Grease, blowing a big pink bubble- the epitome of a cool, gorgeous high school drop out. It's one of those iconic snaps not easily forgotten. It's also not easy to forget how satisfying a good wad of Double Bubble can be, especially to a kid. And, yeah, G'ma told us more than once to chew quietly or don't bite off so much. Regardless of parental boundaries or iconic stigma, for most, chewing gum remains a timeless and legit way to burn off some nervous energy. I have also realized there are other surprising health benefits of chewing gum. Check this out!
Read More »6 Important Actions For Raising Healthy Kids
Raising children is hard enough without health issues to deal with. I believe some problems can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle and quality care. There are times, however, when things just happen and you must deal with your child's illness. I've been through this many times, having raised six children. I do know a thing or two about how to handle it when it shows up. But, mostly, taking care of them is common sense and dedication. Oh, yeah, and being prepared. I've compiled some important actions for Raising Healthy Kids.
Read More »2 Major Ways To Beat Harmful Stress
Stress is a part of everyday life for just about everyone. Fortunately, some stress can be a motivator that is actually helpful for some. It can get you out of bed, push you to bring your full effort to everything you do, and help you reach your goals. The problem comes when stress levels become so significant that they shut you down. From experience, I know there are many things that create stress but none like money and your job. Remember, you have the power to change things for the better in both of these areas. Here are 2 major ways to beat harmful stress.
Read More »6 Steps To Better Mind-Body Health
Our brains and our bodies are intrinsically connected. As someone who has lived with chronic illness, I understand this connection very well. When the body hurts and cannot handle normal daily functions, the mental state can diminish. Ironically, as well, the body cannot heal when the mind is not functioning properly. Body-mind connection is imperative to life as well as healing.
Read More »Beat Stress With These 6 Mood-Boosting Measures
Stress is a part of human life, but it affects each of us differently. It's important to know what triggers stress in your life and whether you deal with it effectively or not. In most cases, a little stress won't harm you, as your mind and body have reservoirs to handle it. However, if it's creating illness, relationship issues, and work problems, beat stress with these 5 mood-boosting measures.
Read More »Stay Healthy And Safe At The Office
You may think that sitting at a desk in an office for nine hours a day doesn’t pose any risks to your health, but you’d be wrong. You may not be exposed to dangerous machinery or at risk for falling, but that doesn’t mean that your workplace doesn't have hidden health pitfalls. Work-related illnesses and injuries can happen anywhere and anytime, even in a cubicle in an office building.
Read More »5 Powerful Tips To Have Greater Health Now
When we think about our health, we can often take it at face value. If we look and feel good, it’s safe to assume that we’re healthy. But, that’s not always the case. There could by hidden issues in your body that could take years to show up or cause symptoms. Early warnings signs could be passed up if they are not severe enough to get your attention. Also, most people rely on the word of their doctors that they are perfectly fine. Even professionals miss things if there are no complaints or signs of disease.
Read More »Could A Long Engagement Be Better For Your Relationship?
A speedy engagement might be the best choice for some people, depending on their situation. But there are many couples who believe a long engagement could be just the thing to ensure that their relationship lasts. Is it possible that spending more time in the in-between state of engagement can make your relationship stronger? Let's take a look at some strong points in favor of it.
Read More »Is My Job Causing Health Problems?
We spend much of our time doing work. Whether that is from home, in an office or outdoors. But what happens if our job starts affecting our health? Job-related hazards and even the environment in which we work can cause a variety of health problems. And, unfortunately, most people don't even know they are at risk for injury or other health issues. Here are some of the most common trouble areas and how you can help prevent health problems before they arise.
Read More »Lower Your Cholesterol Doing These 6 Things
Because you may not feel any symptoms associated with high cholesterol, it is important to get regular screenings. When your doctor tells you that your cholesterol level is high, it’s time to take action sooner than later. High cholesterol has been linked to a higher risk of heart attacks and strokes, among other health concerns. Your doctor will have some advice for you as far as medications and such, but there are some things you can do to compliment a medical plan. Try these 6 things to create better overall health and lower your cholesterol.
Read More »Essential Tips For Improving Your Mood
In today’s modern world, it's easy to drown in busyness, stress, and "to do list" overload. It is imperative to step back, occasionally, from it all to get your priorities in check again. Take some time out to ensure your mental and physical well-being is not taking a turn for the worst. Finding yourself in a chronic state of anger, sadness, or despair is nothing to play with. And if things don't seem to improve over a long period of time, get professional help from your primary care physician or therapist.
Read More »“Red Head Randy” Actress, Jackee Minelli, Overcomes Years of Bullying
THE AMAZING JACKEE MINELLI Here is a young lady who is inspiration personified. Jackee Minelli is young but has been through a lot in her …
Read More »Emotional Transactions That Bring Success
I just got a new dining table and chairs delivered this morning and, boy, I am relieved! Even though I knew the space that we have in our eat-in kitchen, I still had a concern that somehow it wouldn't fit or it would look too big. But it looks beautiful and fits perfectly! However, I remember several occasions when I purchased pieces of furniture on a whim because of a sale or chance meeting at a local yard sale and totally regretted it. They were either too big, too small, too dark, or just plain didn't work where I thought they would. So, you can understand when I say I was "relieved" this morning. This event really reminds me of how you feel when trying something new or meeting new people...a little nervous, a little scared and happy-excited all at the same time. These emotions are SO normal and even built in to help us make safe and clear decisions. So, feelings are meant to create a thought process that leads to a decision...
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